View Full Version : onto worrying of worms?

08-01-16, 23:37
tmi warning, im sorry!

alright, it's me again. coming here has made me feel better, of course!

i've just been so anxious for a 15-year-old lately. at first it was thinking i had breast cancer, then melanoma, and just skin cancer in general. now i think i have worms or parasites in my stomach!

i used to told my stool in when i was little, i know this is not good. started up again here recently, got constipated, hurt to pass them. but lately i've been feeling like i have an empty stomach- sometimes my gut growls and i have gas- i don't know if this is caused by my anxiety or what, but i think i have worms/parasites! searched things up on dr. google again... last night i got up near two in the morning, had diarrhea. there was mucus-like stuff in the bowl and the water looked yellow/orange, and it had little black specks on it. this has been all of a sudden! i do get little random pains, but i still don't even know if it's that bad- such as like i said, anxiety starting this all up may be a possibility?

what do you guys think? i cant go to my doctor right now, but i'll try to get an appointment in sometime soon! i also haven't been taking any meds- aside from those gummy vitamins you can buy at the store if that counts.

08-01-16, 23:43
first it was thinking i had breast cancer, then melanoma, and just skin cancer in general. now i think i have worms or parasites in my stomach!

^^ all within a week! ^^

It always concerns me when I see such a young person suffering.

Have you spoken to your parents about your fears? I ask as I'm a parent to a 22 year old that suffers from anxiety and depression. She came to me for help. I spoke with her Mom and we got her help. With therapy and meds she's now doing fantastic.

You're much too young to be held captive by such negative thoughts and feelings.

Positive thoughts

08-01-16, 23:45
I have had the worms worry too. I also get mucus in my stool and have done so for a year now. I have had a stool test as I was worried and it came back clear. Sometimes the mucus can hang off the stool and look 'worm like' too. I don't know about the black dots, but I know taking iron makes your whole stool black so maybe if you are taking a multivitamin, that could be causing that? I get what I would describe as 'mushy' stools. Sorry to be graphic. But honestly when it comes to anxiety it will wreak havoc on your digestive system. I have always been a one a day, text book stool kind of person until around November 2014 when this all started. Try not to worry and I don't see any harm in going to the doctors just once for reassurance. I always allow myself to go once for each issue I have and then I make myself trust the doctor. That is until the next issue arises.

09-01-16, 05:33
I've had both mucus due to my roids over the years and several bouts of worms as a child. You will find worms look quite different and if you break open the faeces they will appear white than mucus, like little bits of rice (threadworm).

Like FMP says, you need to speak to your parents, if that's possible. Worms like threadworm are very common at your age, they are a known problem for schools. They are very easily dealt with from my own experience of threadwood over 30 years ago (one drink kills them or later came a tablet form) so it's nothing to be worried about.

One thing I always found with them, other than spotting little bits earlier on, you eat a lot more food! The threadworms love eating your nutrition for you.

To be honest, I think you should see your GP, BUT not because it's anything of a problem, more that along with the HA issue, you could either be having symptoms of anxiety alone or possibly something like a bout of IBS. As a roid sufferer of over 20 years, I can attest to the fact I get mucus after straining sessions and certainly after loose bowel movements.

Like another member on here said, their GP referred them off to a specialist due to mucus and that specialist actually said mucus is a good thing. So, don't read into it, it could be nothing.