View Full Version : GP Has Increased My Depression

09-01-16, 08:23
After a while of my anxiety/panic/depression getting steadily worse, i finally decided to visit my GP for help. I've just been taking meds, but with no actual help for a while as i'm quite sceptical about any counselling/therapy.

Anyway, i finally plucked up the courage to go to my appointment yesterday. I took a neighbour for some support. I feel really uncomfortable in meetings or appointments, so needed someone there with me.

However, much to my displeasure, my GP was very very unhelpful. He kept going on about how i keep missing appointments and turning down appointments from the NHS. This isn't strictly true. I was sent a letter a while ago about a Living Life To The Full course. It wasn't an appointment letter. It was simply a suggestion. In any case i couldn't attend because the location was somewhere i can't get to. The other time i missed an appointment was when i was seeing a counseller and i couldn't cross the road to the surgery and i missed the appt that time. She didn't have a direct number to call to re-arrange the appt.

I told my GP about my depression and he asked how it affected me. I told him or tried to explain that most days i don't see the point in continuing and i don't see myself with a future. This is my way of talking about the 's' word. I don't like mentioning it because it just sounds so extreme.

To this, my GP basically said if i feel that low there's nothing anyone can do for me! I said that's why i needed some help so i can know how to not feel that way, but he just kept saying that there's nothing anyone can do for me.

So, i left my appointment basically feeling the only way out was to end it all. I shouldn't be made to feel like that from someone who is supposed to ease these worries.

09-01-16, 11:49
Some doctors can be like that. Can you see a different GP in the same practice? You need their help, shouldn't have to beg for it