View Full Version : HIV Anxienty

09-01-16, 09:45
Hi there,

I had a sex with a sex worker. We used condom (BJ and vaginal). Both.

Day after that night, I had a little pain when urinating. I was enormously nervous. I don't think about HIV only while sleeping. I Googled about symptoms and I think I got every symptoms:

- White Tongue
- A little temperature
- Small red dots on the body
- Painful urination (not anymore)
- Small peeling skin
- Diarrhea (had previously when I was scared. When I woke up and start thinking..)

Could these symptoms come from stress and anxiety? Most people say that weeks are needed, but in my case, they started appearing the day after.

Most nights I don't have night sweats. Few times I got sweats when I opened my eyes and start thinking and once while sleeping.

So the question is: Could these symptoms come from stress and anxiety?

Thank you.

09-01-16, 11:15
Those symptoms could come from many, many things, including anxiety. They are not symptoms of HIV.
Acute Retroviral Syndrome, the first acute sickness most people get after HIV infection comes 4-6 weeks after exposure. The day after, absolutely not. The virus does not and cannot work that way.
Furthermore you used a condom. What most people would call a zero risk situation.

09-01-16, 12:11
Thank you for the answer. If anything, its comforting. I have been walking on -5°C, enormous wind etc.

Most people say that these symptoms come few weeks after exposure, but I've found this:

"Symptoms typically appear a few days to a few weeks after exposure to HIV and can persists for two to four weeks, although swollen glands may last longer."

Additionaly, day and two days after sex, I saw small red dots (like from cotton) on my underwear. And they were more outside than inside, what is strange. After that, 3 days nothing and 1 day again appeared.

What do you guys think.. thanks

10-01-16, 09:08

10-01-16, 09:19
Regardless of the risk factors which would be quite low based on using protection, the way to alleviate your fears is to just get tested.

Positive thoughts