View Full Version : Son has lump in neck

09-01-16, 13:55
My 9 year old son has a small furmish lump in his neck it's moveable , I googled freaked and took him to the walk in centre where a dr examined it and said it was a node and wasn't concerned , I've since panicked that because it was only walk in the dr wasn't good enough To diagnose him , if it's moveable it's a good sign right ? :-( x

09-01-16, 14:35
My son has just had bacterial tonsillitis. He had a huge lump where his lymph node is and the gap said it was an infected node. Antibiotics and 10 days later it's gone. Don't panic he might be brewing a poorly throat x

09-01-16, 15:31
I can't help it I'm totally wasting my day googling I feel sick with worry , I feel like it's gonna turn out to be something serious , he's still got loads energy x

09-01-16, 16:35
Hey, my son has got a swollen node in his neck just below his ear. I too was in a complete state of panic. His is huge, feels about 3cm to me bu GP measured it just below 1.5 and its solid and doesn't move easily.

This came up about 2 years ago now. He has seen the GP and was referred to a specialist as I couldn't let it go. The specialist checked him over and said it is very common for children to develop these swollen glands/nodes and for them to remain that size.

He did have a cold a couple of months before and also a bout of chickenpox so it could have been from then. He had another check up 8 months later and the specialist wasn't at all concerned.it is extremely hard as a HA sufferer to believe anybody and I guess the worry doesn't go away 100% but going by past experience I would say it is nothing to worry about. Even something as simple as a bite or spot could cause it.

The fact it's moveable is also a good sign as is the fact he has got loads of energy. I was convinced he had other symptoms too but when the specialist asked and I explained them she said she wasn't worried at all, I think she thought I was a proper drama queen! Lol x

09-01-16, 17:02
My 9 year old son has a small furmish lump in his neck it's moveable , I googled freaked and took him to the walk in centre where a dr examined it and said it was a node and wasn't concerned , I've since panicked that because it was only walk in the dr wasn't good enough To diagnose him , if it's moveable it's a good sign right ? :-( x

I don't know how it is in the UK, but in the US, walk in center doctors (Urgent Care etc.) are doctors that work in hospitals or are part of a practice and rotate working/volunteering in the clinics. It's not like they work there because they're not good enough. Think about what you're saying. Why would they put bad doctors in places where people go in emergencies or after hours? It just doesn't make sense.

The doctor wasn't concerned and your son is not acting ill. If you can, log off the computer and do something to distract yourself. We all know how Googling just feeds the fear and that's exactly what your doing.

Positive thoughts

09-01-16, 17:35
I'm trying so hard not to pass on my health anxiety to him I do not want this for him, last night I had him sleep in my bed as his dad was working nights and I'm ashamed to say I was checking it whilst he was asleep , the thing that worries me the most is he hasn't been poorly and he doesn't have a bite , x

---------- Post added at 17:35 ---------- Previous post was at 17:06 ----------

Does anyone know if it's mobile it's a good sign ? It's very mobile x

09-01-16, 17:56
Does anyone know if it's mobile it's a good sign ? It's very mobile x

Yes it is... Mobile is good. Please... for your sake and your son's, let this go. Log off and do something fun with him. Bake cookies or go for a walk. Spend time with your son as opposed to fantasizing about his demise. It's not healthy. And don't poke and prod him, there's nothing sinister going on. A medical professional confirmed it!

Positive thoughts

09-01-16, 18:04
Right I'm off to macdonalds with him And leaving my phone at home , thanks everyone , it's just so hard to shake it from my mind x

09-01-16, 18:18
I understand how you feel. I had three lumps in my neck before christmas and I was freaking out proper! I saw my dr and they said it was just swollen nodes cause I'd been ill. they are gone now. kids pick up all sorts of bugs etc... so they often get swollen nodes. seriously, if the dr or nurse you saw was concerned they would say so. try not to worry to much (I know its hard tho) xx

09-01-16, 19:45
It's just everything you read points to bad news , I'm clinging on to the fact it is very mobile and moves around in your fingers x

09-01-16, 20:05
My partner had three swollen ones around his ear, turned out he had a big spot on his head. They went down once the infection was out of the spot.
I also had huge swollen nodes in my groin, I had an abscess at the time which is a recurring thing, but this was the first time the nodes had swollen, as true ha sufferer fashion, I went crying to my Dr, he was so matter of fact saying what do you expect, your body is responding to fight the infection. Had abscess drained and they went down in a couple of days.
Swollen nodes are usually our bodies natural way of fighting infection. They are part of our immune system and swell at the site closest to where they need to fight it.
It's possible that he has an infection starting hun, or like my partner, just an infected spot!

10-01-16, 15:37
Is it just me or is every single advert on tv or radio the cancer one :-( I feel like it's a sign