View Full Version : Flashes In Vision?

09-01-16, 17:20
I'm in a right panic,

I have been having visual issues for a few weeks with seeing starbursting effect off lights, Ive had 2 eye exams by Opthalmology who find nothing wrong.

However I awoke this morning at 6am, the room was very dark and I could see flashes of white light like lightening in my vision appearing for a second and disappearing again.

I'm so worried I have a brain tumour and have been worried for around 3 years now.


09-01-16, 17:25
I'm so worried I have a brain tumour and have been worried for around 3 years now.


I think you know what's coming ;)

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

In three years, you would either be very ill or not with us. You've been cleared medically so what does that leave? I don't know why you're experiencing the symptoms you describe but it's not sinister according to medical exams and scientific tests.

Positive thoughts

09-01-16, 17:57
Hi I dont know if this ill help at all but I a few vison problems going on and I get flashes of like out gof the corner of my eyes .
I have all sorts if tests and so far nothing .
For me it is more noticeable in the dark and it is very frightening .
I even jump with it sometimes as its out of the corners of my eyes .

Sorry not to be of more help .

09-01-16, 18:20
Thanks, I know the likelyhood of having a brain tumor for 3 years and still being here is probably very unrealistic.

Seeing that was indeed very very scarey, I have never seen anything like that before, it looked very much like little bolts of lightening, especially happening when i moved my eyes, I dont think I have seen it during the daylight hours today, worried that I will see it in the dark again though.

Both eye exams I had were dilated exams with nothing wrong being found, and I was told they are very good at spotting brain tumors.

very lost

09-01-16, 19:48
I am so glad you have posted this. Not because I want you to struggle, but because I am having this exact same thing. I too, am terrified of a brain tumour. I had an eye test in April and specifically mentioned a brain tumour fear and had a field sight test and passed it and was told I wouldn't have if I had a tumour
However I didn't get the flashes then and they're there everyday and scaring me so much. They sound just like you describe them although when it's light it looks like a split second of darkness (it looks like a light is Flickering) and when it's dark like a flashing light. I am debating about whether to get a second eye test, I don't want to as I feel foolish but if it'll help me get over this anxiety.

09-01-16, 20:52
Well the likelyhood of us both having a Brain Tumor must be near on impossible, but its one hell of a scarey symptom!

The two dilated exams I had came before this symptom, the latest exam being 31/12/15 just over a week ago, not had a field vision test because this was at the hospital but had, pupil reflexes, colour vision, eye chart, dilated exam.

I'm stumped really, very worried and thinking if to see Neuro-Opthalmology some how...

09-01-16, 21:01
I've never experienced anything like this but do you think it could be an anxiety symptom? From the "Sypmtoms" page:

Eyes, Blurred vision, Eyes sensitive to light, Dry, watery or itchy eyes

What you feel:

You may see stars or movements out of the corner of your eyes that don't exist. You may also see flashing lights in your eyes or your vision may seem almost kaleidoscope-like. Sometimes you may feel that there is a dark object or something just on the outside edge of your vision, or that your vision is narrowing.

It seems your vision is blurry or out of focus, and it's more apparent now than before.

There are times when your eyes seem more sensitive to light than at others, even to a point of regular light being too bright so that you have to wear sunglasses or squint.

You feel as though your eyes are either always dry, constantly watering or itchy. And often, your eyes are red or 'glossy' looking. Even a good night's rest doesn't help.

Ciliary muscles relax – pupils dilate focusing on distant items sometimes disturbing your vision or allowing odd colours or floaters to be noticed.

What causes this:

Eyes are nerves. The nerves in the eyes send their information to the brain through the nervous system. When the nervous system is over active, the nerves in the eyes can play tricks on you which means we sometimes receive false information. These symptoms are some of the ways we receive this false information.

None of these symptoms are serious when they are attributed to anxiety disorder. However, it is important that you get a professional medical evaluation completed to ensure your condition is related to anxiety disorder.

Positive thoughts

09-01-16, 21:01
This sounds a lot like a possible vision migraine to me. Has no doctor suggested this at all??

I suffer from these and I experience no headache, just the visual disturbance. I get flashing lights in my general vision, like if I am looking at someone I can only patially see them and in the corner of my eye is the flashing light.

Here is a link for you: http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/retinal-migraine/Pages/Introduction.aspx

They are bizarre, but are nothing to be worried about, and usually pass quickly. x

09-01-16, 21:23
Both are possible, in fact that is what I was told in my last eye exam on new years eve about occular migraines but think the flashes were from both eyes though.

09-01-16, 21:25
Do you get the flashes in your peripheral vision? That's where I see white flashes sometimes, not all the time. I've been meaning to get it checked out but it's not something I'm concerned with for the time being.

09-01-16, 22:02
Both are possible, in fact that is what I was told in my last eye exam on new years eve about occular migraines but think the flashes were from both eyes though.

You can get an aura migraine - with that one you experience it in both eyes. You can also have that without head pain. The flashing lights are the 'aura' part of it.

Anyway, I seriously doubt what you are suffering is anything sinister. I have cared for a patient with a BT. He was TERRIBLY unwell with tremendous head pain and severe vomiting.

10-01-16, 03:28
Migraine with aura. It's just in one eye. I've been having them for 18 years. I don't have any pain, just the aura. My brother has them too. I've had multiple cat scans and no problems detected.

10-01-16, 17:16
Still completely worried, I'm still seeing this and also like the 'stars' you would see by getting up too fast, have been to A+E again today and basically told its Opthalmology I need to be seeing yet again 2moro morning.

Field Vision was checked and is good with both eyes.

I believe what I'm seeing is called Phosphenes? I can also see blobs of light with eyes closed.

Out my head worried about a BT, seeing this is about the icing on the cake for me :weep:

11-01-16, 21:21
Well saw yet another dr at the eye A+E today who did another dilated exam and said again nothing is wrong, pupils fine, field vision fine, and rest. I asked him directly on brain tumours and was told he wouldnt be expecting this type of symptom if it was caused by any tumour, more loss of vision in one eye or loss of field vision.

Said possible migranes without headache and the starburst effect is most likely a side effect of surgery I had on my left eye, kinda still worried but thats 3 clean eye exams.

Has anyone ever seen like spots of light while looking at the sky? I noticed this too earlier, wondering if im hyper vigilant and noticing normal kinda things