View Full Version : Lump in throat...terrified :( :(

09-01-16, 19:07
Hi everyone,

I'm really hoping someone can give me a sense of perspective before I go out of my mind with fear.

I've had a lump at the back of my throat now for about a month, and I'm driving myself crazy thinking it's things that it probably isn't :/

It's there pretty much of all the time, and doesn't hurt - it's just uncomfortable and irritating more than anything.

I have chronic rhinitis, and recurring sore throat / post-nasal drip / constant throat clearing. I recently saw ENT (about a month ago) and they looked at my throat (although I didn't have the lump at the time) and said everything was fine.

I have intermittent heartburn, and sometimes wonder whether that contributes to my sore throats in the mornings.

I also currently have oral thrush, which I've never had before :(

I don't smoke, or drink. I am overweight, and am working on improving my diet.

I mentioned the lump to my GP (who is treating my anxiety), and he said he thought it was globus hystericus.

I've recently had full blood work done (he did pretty much every blood test under the sun) and everything came back normal (that was in the last week).

The lump makes me feel so sick. I'm terrified it's something more sinister. If anyone can offer me some relief in gaining some perspective, I'd be most grateful xx

09-01-16, 19:16
You've described me, see my recent post over on HA board. ENT also not concerned, the did camera up nose but not down throat. I've put it down to a mix of anxiety and reflux.
How is yours when you first wake up?

09-01-16, 19:28
Hey Traceypo!

Thank you so much for your reply...I'm so so grateful. I had a camera up my nose a few years back the first time I saw ENT, and they had a pretty good nosey (pardon the pun!) when I was there last (but no camera).

The lump is still a new one on me, and I haven't noticed any particular pattern. For example yesterday, I realised it hadn't bothered me at all. Today, however, it's been pretty bad all day...made me feel really nauseas :(

One thing I do know is my throat is usually really bad in the morning when I first wake up. I wake up with a sore throat most mornings, and my voice tends to be really hoarse until I have a drink. My mouth is really dry first thing in the morning too (I take 100mg Sertraline, and have recently increased from 50mg).

So have you had yours for a while? Are you on any treatment for the reflux? xx

09-01-16, 19:47
Mines been there about 9 months now, like you it comes and goes and symptoms change throughout the day, doesn't follow any particular pattern.
I was prescribed lanzopreole for the reflux but they upset my stomach so I'm surviving on gaviscon, I'm convinced it's a mixture of acid / anxiety.
Back at doctors on Tuesday so hopefully get a different acid medication.
The more I focus on it, the more aware I am, I can eat and drink fine.

09-01-16, 19:49
I'm so sorry to hear it's plagued you for 9 months...it totally sucks!

I'm the same - the more I think about it, the worse it seems to be. I can eat and drink fine too.

Does yours make you feel like your throat is closing in when it's bad? xx

09-01-16, 19:57
Yes, also feels like there's hair stuck in back of it at times.
The closing thing makes me panic.

09-01-16, 19:58
Yes me too :( It feels like it's hard to breathe, it's so horrible :( :(

09-01-16, 20:10
If I get any further forward I'll let you know, my doctor and ent were not concerned so I've got to be reassured by that.

09-01-16, 20:20
And same here lovely!

You're right - the reassurance of doctor and ENT is a great thing to have. I know it isn't always easy to think logically when the symptoms are so scary, but I think we're both in a place where we can be certain it isn't anything sinister xx

10-01-16, 00:05
It sounds like acid has came up. I have gerd and acid came up my throat one time, it didn't heal for almost a month. I constantly felt like i had a lump in my throat. When it healed went back to normal :) Stress doesn't help either, I learned that quickly.

10-01-16, 04:42
I think this is a classic acid symptom. I get these exact same symptoms now and again and went to see and ENT about it. He diagnosed it as being acid related. Went on Omeprazole but actually made acid worse. I still get it now and again. If its worse in the morning, try sleeping on a reflux wedge (you can buy them online).

13-01-16, 08:32
Definitely been having this the past few months. With some hoarseness as well and all - Doctor prescribed me a med for my acid reflux. Hopefully it works.