View Full Version : Underarm Lymph Node PANIC!

09-01-16, 19:57
Hey guys,

I am twenty, and constantly worried about my health:
Okay, so right now for the past few days I have been driving myself crazy. I keep thinking that my right underarm/armpit looks 'bigger' and feels different than the other. I have had my mum and sister check, and because I am quite underweight right now, they say that it is just my muscles that are there, and that because I have basically little weight, anything would be pretty noticeable. They also said that because I am underweight, that is the reason I am able to see all of this in my armpits.

I have a huge fear of illness and health anxiety, so I am already convincing myself I have a cancer of some kind because my lymph node is 'swollen'. I am not even sure it is! It is not really noticeably bigger than the other, but the shape looks different, and it feels like there is more! My mum says that it is my muscles, and that because I am right handed there will be differences. Is she right?

She also said that when my dad's nodes were swollen (allergies), they were not where I am showing them I think the problem is. I move my arm up and down whilst pressing against my armpit, and I can feel the muscles moving where I am worried about...so I see where she might be coming from.

I went to the Doctors about two months ago anyway, because I was fearful I had breast cancer back then, and the doctor checked my nodes in my armpits and said they were all okay then. Does this mean anything encouraging?

I don't really have any pain, just a few twinges every now and then in both though, but I think that is probably a universal issue with everyone. I am just scared because they say nodes that are NOT painful and red etc, are more indicative of a tumour or cancer!

Thanks guys.

09-01-16, 20:02
I have a swollen lymph node under my chin and mentioned it to the doctor, they felt it and said I must be digging really deep to find it because it isn't even swollen! I know it's hard to think rationally when you have anxiety, but chances are you are feeling tissue, or maybe you can feel you node but it's a normal size l and your mind is going into overdrive.

09-01-16, 20:23
There are so many lymph node posts around seems to be a common worry , I suppose if your not carrying much weight they're more prominent , x