View Full Version : very confused please help

10-01-16, 12:00
i really hope someone helps me undestand how this could have happened...did it ever happen to you, something similar i mean

i've been fine these past couple of days , but today i...FORGOT to properly dress my kid ! i wanted to take her to the playground, was looking for warm socks and warm pants but FORGOT to give her underware !! sorry if this sounds bad but i'm frightened ! how does anyone forget that ?? i remember throwing her pyjamas on the bed, looking for those other clothes, getting her pants on,getting her shoes on..everything...but i don't understand how that happend.did i not realise what i was doing or just got distracted ?? how do i tell these situations apart ? i had a good night's sleep, not feeling anxious, i simply don't know what happened.does something similar happen to people like me?

10-01-16, 12:11

Please don't be hard on yourself about this. I wish I had a pound for every time I had made basic, silly oversights that should be obvious to do!

This kind of thing is very common with a distracted or even vaguely anxious mind. It can also happen if your mind is thinking about something else at the time, so you are kind of doing things on autopilot, but not actually focused on the task (if that makes sense!)

Don't worry....you are not alone with this kind of thing. xx

Sam Winter
10-01-16, 12:40
my sister forgets those kinda things naturally, my brother in law forgot to put my nieces legs in her sleepsuit properly lol, and with anxiety added on top its bound to happen, looking after a child is stressful as it is, so don't be too hard on yourself x

10-01-16, 12:48
Remember me telling you about my recent unintentional shoplifting experience when I got distracted by a woman and walked out without paying at the self service?

And the several times I have got half way across a road without looking before realising I was on a road?

Walking into rooms not knowing what for?

Thinking of words yet being unable to grasp onto them like they were slipping away from me? Or unable to recall them at all?

I set myself tasks in my head and completely forget them later.

Isn't very common. I've always had a very good memory. These things frustrate me but don't cause me anxiety but in your case you have a fear of what it could mean as you have explained before.

What you are saying can be compared to many people on here whether it is visual disturbance or migraine or many other things.

10-01-16, 16:42
thank you all for answering ! dear terry (to the rescue again :bighug1:), everytime something like this happens, i get back to my main concern, you know what it is , and i can't help myself !! i know and understand this happens to other people, but distracted is distracted, being lost in thoughts and doing things automatically, BUT feeling out of it and not realising making a mistake (we've talked about this too) is a whole other thing ! so HOW do i separate the 2 ? that's my issue.

sertraline works well, no panic attacks, work and the kid keep me going but i seem to simply fall apart when somthing like this happens !!i can't draw the line between what is normal under anxiety circumstances and what is pathologic for neuron diseases !!