View Full Version : No ejaculations with higher doses of citalopram

10-01-16, 15:52
Hi all, wondering if anyone can give me a heads up about what happens on the higher doses of citalopram. I've been taking it at 10mg/20mg for approx 8 weeks and aside from the excessive yawning, headache from hell and being occasionally snappier with my other half because of the headache I was doing OK. The first couple of weeks I took it, I noticed that it took me slightly longer to ejaculate but that went away after about 2 weeks and everything went back to normal.
I dosed up to 40mg per day, its now been a week on this dose and after day 4 on the higher dose I suddenly can't cum at all. The desire is there and I have absolutely no problem getting a hardon I just can not get to the finish for love nor money. I am thinking about dropping back down to 20mg again as I can't take not being able to finish, its like something is stopping me feeling all sensation and enjoyment sexually. I'm doing much better in social situations and my OCD is probably down to a level 2 but I wonder if the exchange is too high.
Can anyone tell me if they have experienced try this and also if anyone has reduced dosage voluntarily if there were other side effects of doing that when halving the dosage taken.
Thanks all

11-01-16, 12:50
Don't be embarrassed to discuss it with your doctor, on the leaflets it mentions this as a side effect, many of these effects wear off in time but it is worth mentioning anything that is causing you distress.

11-01-16, 19:51

I had the same. At first it was frustrating for me but my wife loved the young stud like behaviour. I found that if you keep at it you will eventually relieve yourself. A bit of porn helped for me as it feels like you have just lost that excitement edge. The sensitivity has gone a little. Also bang a bit of toothpaste on or some other commercial stimulant.

Over time I have fund that I lost my sex drive and stopped getting morning glory which was a big blow. Tell the missus the doctor says you need a lot more stimulation then normal and enjoy the ride. 18 months on at 40mg and I have a low sex drive but can blow my fat now so its all lights green. I think it is the tiredness that is my worse symptom now. I am going cold turkey now so I will report back if all functions return to normal.


02-03-16, 00:42
I was looking for something about sex on citalopram. I'm feeling a bit funny too.

It feels a bit like numbed sensation, just slightly - I'm kissing the person but I'm not completely all there. I'm not swept away as I used to be. I'm not flowing with passion. I was wondering if it's the person rather than the meds but I think it's the meds. This isn't normal for me.

I don't think that more stimulation is the answer. I think it's something in my brain which isn't going to change until I come off it. It's about the state of mind I'm in - no amount of touching is going to change the numbness, surely. (Maybe that's why I like more kinky stuff since being on citalopram - I'm less sensitive so I can take it?)