View Full Version : meds

24-02-07, 10:05
Hi Anyone
take cipramil for panic attacks-I ahve friend who swears by it-was wanting to go and ask my gp if i could have this-do you think it is poss to prevent them with out meds?
Nigela x

24-02-07, 13:02

Have a read of the posts under the medication forum - there are loads taking it so you can advice from them as well.

24-02-07, 14:48
Thanks Nicola
what would we do without you!
Nigela x

24-02-07, 16:20

Many people take all sorts of SSRI's. There isn't one that is a cure for all which is why its good to have a choice of several so we can each find one that suits us , if we decide to go down the meds route.

Many people also decide not to take meds and still get over their panic disorder by CBT or self help or something else they find that suits them. It really is down to personal choice along with a discussion with your doctor.

If you do choose meds, remember that its not a universal cure, It changes your brain chemistry enough to help make you feel well enough to tackle more in life.