View Full Version : Separation Anxiety

10-01-16, 15:54
So I've written posts before about my hubby going away on his own for a week in Feb. I have too much uni work on so convinced him to go with friends. He has agreed to do so.

However, having done this im now full of fear and don't know why. I wake up feeling dark every morning as we've only ever been apart for one night at the most. I trust him implicitly and we're bset friends and I'm sure the break will do us both good. But I'm dreading it. I'm scared something will change and it'll be the start of the end.

This morning we had a real heart to heart. I told him it might even do us good as absence makes the heart grow fonder. He said his heart couldn't possibly grow any fonder. It sounds cheesy but I know he does love me. He's also dreading being apart from me but just loves the sport so much.

Anyway, it seems to be a fear of losing my marriage. I keep reading everywhere that marriages are breaking up and I'm fearing the same will happen to me. I get terrible flashbacks of previous relationship break ups and imagine it happening again.

Why am I so fearful when we have a great relationship?

Can anyone relate?

10-01-16, 16:22

Yes I can relate to what you are feeling, whereas your anxiety is based around losing your husband mine is around losing my job. You may hear loads about people separating etc and previous relationships which have ended, my thoughts centre around what my manager is reporting about me.

I think we are both looking at a situation and spiralling things to what we fear they may become rather than what is actually there.

It seems your husband really does love you, and will miss you loads, you will cope well on your own for one week especially if you have loads to do anyway.

It is natural to worry over something for the first time but you will be ok


10-01-16, 16:31
Thanks, Clare.

That must be awful for you. Do you have reason to think this way? Have others been fired? Is your boss difficult?

I blow it out of proportion and am so sensitive to his moods. If he's remotely off I think he's planning to leave me. I'm pretty resilient within relationships as a rule and am no pushover. My husband jokes that I'm the tough, icy boss! So this is beyond me.

Clearly other insecurities have shifted to this area but I'm so worried some thing will change :(