View Full Version : Flu like symptoms after exercise?

10-01-16, 16:34
So I've just joined a squash club and had my first squash match yesterday. I used to play a bit a few years ago but haven't up until now. I usually go to the gym and do a workout and have no problem. However, after this squash match, I'm coming down with what seems like flu like symptoms. I know for a fact it's not. My muscles hurt, my body aches and my glands seem to be sore in my neck.

Now I've read about chronic fatigue syndrome before as I've been struggling with tiredness constantly but didn't think any of the symptoms related to me as i never get the worsening of symptoms after exercise. However, when I've really pushed myself at squash, i seem to have gotten the CFS symptoms.

Could this be a case of that I've just pushed my body too far at squash and i need to build it up? Or that i do in fact have CFS?

dizzy daisy
10-01-16, 17:11
Hi Smith
I've been experiencing similar to you- see my post re fatigue/ tension.
I haven't dared exercise, although the GP said I should do something gentle to start and it would help me. After a really busy day at work then doing shopping, cooking, cleaning I seem to pay for it the following day with feeling tired and fatigued. I don't know what's happening, but my bloods were fine so it's been put down to my anxious state at the moment.
I worry about possibly CFS too.
I read your previous post about tiredness but you said it was mainly tired eyes, mines tired all over and like you describe, flu like muscle fatigue and sometimes have slight sore throat but nothing else to indicate flu or cold. Others on here have said they suffer the same though so I guess it could all very well be just anxiety xx

11-01-16, 12:49
The fluey type feeling went last night, but my muscles hurt that i used during squash still quite badly 2 days after i played. I've felt my lymph nodes again and they feel slightly sore to touch which tells me it's chronic fatigue syndrome as this is a symptom of it.

I'm absolutely terrified of CFS. Petrified. I've read there's no cure and no treatments and it sounds like a death sentence. I'm tired all day and have bags under my eyes. I've been like this for a year or so now. My doctor always attributed it to my severe anxiety but my anxiety is telling me it's CFS. I'm so scared :( feeling really hopeless that this is me for life now. I'm 25 and I'm always going to be this tired and I'll never get better :( i don't know what to do