View Full Version : Light headed, spacey feeling. Please help.

10-01-16, 17:32
Hi, I am such an anxious person, as I get older (now 59) the health anxiety seems to get worse. Today I woke up with a bit of a light headed, spacey feeling. A bit like when your are tipsy. When I concentrated on looking at an object it seemed to move a bit, sorry, difficult to explain. Anyway, late morning I got up from sitting down and went really light headed and had to grab hold of my husband. I sat down as I thought I would faint and my heart was really racing. I ate a banana as I am pre diabetic and thought it might be my sugars levels. I then had to rush to the loo (sorry tmi) because anxiety brings on my IBS. The feeling passed and I was fine, ate a roast dinner and went shopping. Then all of a sudden that feeling washed over me again, I tried to ignore it but I felt like I was going to fall over so sat down immediately. Again, it made my heart race, as I was pretty scared. It passed again almost immediately and I was able to get back up again. I have been fine ever since but still feel very anxious and worried that it will happen again. I have definitely experienced this feeling in the past, maybe two or three times. Does any one else get these symptoms? Thank you for reading my post and I would love to hear from you, although I would prefer not to get any scarey replies 😳

10-01-16, 19:30
Hi Mary8,

I have just the same as you at the moment. I've had a very stressful time lately and a few health scares and normally I can deal with these feeling by using the breathing techniques or distraction. But, this feeling, like being drunk and it sneaks up on you when you are not prepared or doing a simple task; it feels like I am going to pass out or something. Then I go back to normal and then it happens again.

As a sufferer of Anxiety for the pass two years, I have not had it to this degree before.
I know my Anxiety I high, because of the stress and traumas lately, so I can only put it down to that.
Is there anything that has upset or worried you severely lately that is playing on your subconscious?
I also have a mist effect when looking at things and I feel like I am moving when I am still. So that leads me to believe that it is Anxiety which is caused by the adrenalin rush and that can easily cause such symptoms.

10-01-16, 21:24
Yes Mary, Ive been through it 3 times in 15 years..Lasted some months/off and on and then back to normal self.. I do have very tense shoulder muscles though which can contribute to it.

10-01-16, 21:42
Hi Mary8,

I have just the same as you at the moment. I've had a very stressful time lately and a few health scares and normally I can deal with these feeling by using the breathing techniques or distraction. But, this feeling, like being drunk and it sneaks up on you when you are not prepared or doing a simple task; it feels like I am going to pass out or something. Then I go back to normal and then it happens again.

As a sufferer of Anxiety for the pass two years, I have not had it to this degree before.
I know my Anxiety I high, because of the stress and traumas lately, so I can only put it down to that.
Is there anything that has upset or worried you severely lately that is playing on your subconscious?
I also have a mist effect when looking at things and I feel like I am moving when I am still. So that leads me to believe that it is Anxiety which is caused by the adrenalin rush and that can easily cause such symptoms.
Thank you for replying Carnation. I am sorry to hear that you too have been suffering. Yes, I have been under additional anxiety in the last months. My mother passed away last year and I still struggle to comes to terms with this and miss her dreadfully. I have, for years, suffered from health anxiety but as the risk of illness increases with age, so does my anxiety. It is horrible. I have so much to be thankful for in my life, a wonderful husband and a beautiful family. But I seem to be cursed with this dreadful condition.

---------- Post added at 21:42 ---------- Previous post was at 21:41 ----------

Yes Mary, Ive been through it 3 times in 15 years..Lasted some months/off and on and then back to normal self.. I do have very tense shoulder muscles though which can contribute to it.

Thank you for replying Libra, I do hope your shoulder muscle soon improves and that you will feel better.

10-01-16, 22:00
Yes, your Mother passing would definitely have a lot to do with it.
Only a year is a short space of time and if you are still grieving from inside and thoughts of your Mother are in your head, then this will come out of you in the form of Anxiety and Panic.
My Father passed nearly two years ago from Parkinsons and I still struggle now. I have thoughts that I will get it too.
Did you have any therapy for your bereavement? This can sometimes help.
I also find that a lot of sitting around and staying indoors can fuel the Anxiety. Although we maybe watching the TV or reading a newspaper; our subconscious mind wanders around those scary thoughts.
Could you maybe take up a hobbie; with or without other people?
I joined a dance class with my partner a couple of months ago and that helps me as well as keep me fit. :D
I wouldn't be too hard on yourself either. Sometimes you need to feel those scary emotions to release. I always feel better for little cry. :hugs: