View Full Version : Backache

10-01-16, 19:03
I have had backache for nearly 3 weeks.
I also feel generally achey especially knees.
I have had joint pain on and off for along time and I feel I may have fibromyalgia.
Does anyone get backache with fibromyalgia.
I did pull my back slightly which seems to have started this off.

10-01-16, 21:25
What kind of pain is it in your back Pb...dull, achy.sharp, niggling etc?

24-01-16, 12:45
Still have lower and right sided back pain
Scared it won't get better!
Anyone had this..

24-01-16, 13:37
Yes had mine ages but higher up and doc says it is costochondritis but lower down pain is very common

25-01-16, 01:11
I have backaches too. Dominantly in lower back(the end of my spine) and left and right. Ocassional upper left back pain too..

25-01-16, 07:50
How long did your backache last
I'm scared this will become chronic

27-01-16, 21:17
Sorry to post again.
I have had back pain for five weeks now.
So scared it's not going to get better.
Has anyone had back pain for this length of time that has eventually got better.
I have a GP appointment but not for two weeks.

28-01-16, 20:09
Anyone please

28-01-16, 21:13
I recently had back pain for about 7 weeks until now and it's only just starting to improve.

29-01-16, 12:56
I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and yes I have lower back ache. However so do others that I know and they don't have fibro. My boyfriend got lower back pain for around 2 months and it's gone now, he never found out why. Just because the pain is there for a while doesn't mean it's anything serious or chronic. If you are still aching all over and have pain in other parts like joints and muscles, maybe see your doc but there could be a million reasons, you could have had a virus or could be deficient in a certain vitamin.. All none serious! Or then again it could just be one of those things that they can't explain and that goes away by itself!

29-01-16, 14:31
Thank you , your reply really helped

29-01-16, 15:06
Well my lower back pain is roughly 6-8months, I don’t know if this is IBS/Anxiety related or Fibro but I try not to think about it. At the moment I am having a painful sharp and dull aches in my left lower back. My body is really torturing me.

03-02-16, 07:51
Back ache really bad , it's been 6 weeks
Scared it won't get better
Drs appointment on the 16th
There's always something wrong, this pain won't get better , I know !!

14-02-16, 18:36
Sorry to keep posting about my back !!
It's been nearly 8 weeks now, have also been getting pins and needles in feet.
Have Drs appointment so hopefully will get some answers or not !
Just wanted to know has anyone had pain for this long that does eventually get better and could my stress be making it worse

14-02-16, 18:55
Hi I've had rib and upper back ache on and off for a few weeks now. I've been told it's a pulled muscle and my anxiety is making it worse so I'm sure you worrying about your pain won't be helping. To stop worrying isn't hard to do I hope your Drs appointment goes well and your pain soon stops