View Full Version : opticians have referred me to the hospital for a 'eye scan' so worried😧

10-01-16, 20:36
I went to he opticians about 4 weeks ago. I've never had glasses and never had any problems I go every 2 years just to have my eyes checked. I went this time as usual but about a month before I went id started getting like fuzzy patches in my eyes I can still see when I get these there like little fuzzy balls hard to explain really anyway I told my optician about this he carried out all the usual tests and told me I need concentration glasses so for when I'm watching tv or driving ect.. He then took photos if the back of my eyes and noticed my right eye wasn't right and said he didn't think it was anything serious but was going to refer me to the hospital for a scan just to get it checked out. I don't understand what's wrong with my right eye I'm still waiting for a hospital appointment now but it's driving me crazy. Can't sleep barely eat I'm worried sick incase it's something serious. I've got a phobia of hospitals anyway so that isn't helping. And then not fully understanding what's wrong with my right eye is worrying me even more. I'm petrified just want my anxiety levels to calm back down but I don't think that's going to happen untill I've been! Some days I can't even leave the house I feel that anxious. Can anyone help me? Be greatly appreciated.

10-01-16, 21:57
Hi, I would phone your opticians in the morning and just ask them the reason for referal.You should have a copy of your referal letter in your notes and they might be able to get the optician to call you back to explain the reason.
Try not to worry too much,if they saw something serious going on they would have got you to go to eye casualty or be seen on an urgent basis.
Did you have a peripheral field test ? X