View Full Version : Does peripheral vision issue mean automatically "bad stuff"?

11-01-16, 10:04
I'm planning to see an ophthalmologist soon and I'm worried about peripheral vision on right side. I haven't done any test, but I've convinced myself that there's something wrong with it.

My question is, if it's confirmed that I've lost some peripheral vision does it mean it's something very bad? Or it can be something that can be managed?

11-01-16, 18:53
Anyone please?

11-01-16, 19:56
I'm not one for seeking reassurance by going to the doctor, but in this case it's best to see the eye doc as opposed to convincing yourself you have an issue. Not that I think there's anything wrong, because I don't but what could anyone say via the internet? Someone professionally trained and schooled would have to physically examine you to determine if there's an issue and no one here can determine a course of action.

Positive thoughts

11-01-16, 21:04
Thank you for answering. I know I have to see a doc, but my question is if it turns out to have a peripheral vision issue, does that mean it's something bad or there are other possibilities?

11-01-16, 21:12
Again, how would anyone know? As we wouldn't know what or if anything is wrong, we wouldn't know the possible treatment scenarios if there was something going on. I know you're seeking some reassurance but other than saying "don't worry, you'll be fine", what can be said? :shrug:

Positive thoughts

12-01-16, 16:25
Thanx for the reply. I kind of hope that even if it turns out to have some issue it does not mean it's BT, but something else that can be "managed"...

12-01-16, 16:50
Why think the worst? It most certainly and probably is totally normal and you're good to go! :)

I've had only what I can describe as bugs crawling under my skin on my back for over three months. There's an area near my neck that itches, burns and has that buggy feeling. It's driving me nuts! I went to the Dermatologist today for a general exam and have this looked at. It's a side effect from my cancer treatment, a form of neuropathy. It SUCKS but it's not serious. There's not much they can do for it either. He's trying a unique cream that helps with neuropathy so we'll see what happens. Otherwise. It is what it is and I add it to the list of nasty side effects. Regardless, it beats the alternative right?

I say all this because it's about attitude. Think negative, you feel negative. Think positive and life is much easier. How? Start by reading something positive every day when you wake up.... start with "something" positive and it begins to build on itself.

Positive thoughts

12-01-16, 16:58
Of course you're right...but as we all know thinking the worst is all HA is about :(