View Full Version : still not eaten

ben johnson
11-01-16, 10:10
for the last 2weeks now I haven't an a apittite for anything not even junk food(I used to like junk food like there was no tomorrow) and i got out of bed today with a numing feeling in my left arm and it still hasn't gone(i didn't sleep a winky last night)

please if anyone has had the same think please help me because this is annoying me now :(

11-01-16, 11:02
Problems with appetite is one of the first symptoms of anxiety...I'm going through it right now...Especially in the morning I force myself to just eat something

11-01-16, 11:17
Try putting stuff in your mouth and just chewing it. Don't worry about the swallowing...that will just happen naturally. :)

I know the last thing you want to do is eat but you need to so please try this.

ben johnson
11-01-16, 11:37
if I eat anything then ill just throw it back up, so I cant even eat because my body wont let me, I cant even drink nether, iv tried protein shakes but I cant keep them down and iv tried tablets as well

11-01-16, 11:44
In that case you have to go to the doctors, or the hospital today.

ben johnson
11-01-16, 11:46
iv got an appointment but I don't know what they will do, hopefully something that will help me but im scared cus iv lost so must weight and even if I look at food I feel ill :(

dizzy daisy
11-01-16, 16:59
Hi Ben
Maybe you should call your surgery and explain how rough you're feeling right now and ask them to bring your appointment forward to today. You really need fluids hunny.
I had horrific nausea few months back with my anxiety to the point where I threw up too, even water.
I just had to calm myself and sip tiny amounts and eventually I could tolerate it but it took a little while. I think the fear of throwing up again and stressing about it made it worse for me. Once I git some water in me I tried sipping at juice/ smoothies until I could chew food again.
Let us know how you get on xxx

ben johnson
12-01-16, 12:33
im getting on okay, I was able to eat some bread today and I had to stop myself throwing up, so im going to try that for a while, to see who I get on xx