View Full Version : Worried I have a brain tumour

11-01-16, 12:40
I know this seems extreme and I am sorry if this post is sensitive.

2 months ago I started suffering from extreme stress. My son was very ill with panic attacks and anxiety, he had been bullied and was struggling to go to school. Every day was a battle, he just seemed to get worse and worse. In the end he told us he felt suicidal. We took him to our GP who referred him to CAMHS who refused to help, saying I'd be the best person for the job. Well things then got worse and he refused to go to school. It was so hard on me every day trying to get him there, I feel I broke down. I spent all day crying, exhausted, weak.... my daughter then fell ill and was in hospital with a bowel infection for 2 nights. It was so much stress. I became drained and my anxiety flared up. I suddenly noticed one day that when I walked it felt like the ground moved as I walked, it terrified me and within 2 weeks it became constant and I was bed bound, truly terrified.

My GP came out to see me. I told him I was struggling with fatigue every day, i had been since the summer. I'd had blood tests and other than my thyroid being almost borderline hypo I was ok. My GP did lots of tests, muscle strength, co ordination, checked my eyes, relfexes, checked i could feel his hands on my arms and legs, balance checks, BP.... I passed them all and he said it was all the extreme stress and I needed rest and to lower this stress. He was disgusted CAMHS had put so much pressure on me and so he helped me get CAMHS to re assess my son and thankfully after a months battle with them they agreed, he is now on a long waiting list.

Well 2 weeks later the dizziness was not going, I'd had a better week then wham it hit again when I was walking. My GP came out again and did a whole host of blood tests, all normal. FBC was perfect aswell as liver, kidneys etc... He again said this has to be stress and you need rest. You do not have any symptoms of a brain tumour. I then believed him and took 2 weeks over Christmas to rest and the symptom 90% cleared up, i realised then it had all been stress.

Well last week was tough, my son developed sickness with his anxiety and every morning before school he was sick 6 times with nerves, it was awful. He had a good day friday as i gave him a good CBT session the night before teaching him about anxiety and how to cope with it better. He said it really helped. I woke Saturday morning and felt awfully tired, I mean really drained. All day I sat up on the sofa feeling sedated. My fatigue is never that bad. That evening i went to bed and I lay down flat and felt like I was dizzy lying flat. I sat up and as i moved i felt my head was swaying and rocking front and back, once sat up straight a few seconds it eased and stopped. It terrified me I have never had that before. I am now afraid that, that feeling is a brain tumour. I am ok walking, it's now just this on movement when I sit up or turn over on my bed or floor. I do yoga and now can't even do that. I have tried and i get the same feeling.

I am worrying myself sick it's a brain tumour. My husband said I am just exhausted after another tough week and to rest. I am feeling so tired, brain fog, weak in legs which I guess is the anxiety, woozy head when I move. I am worried as I don't usually have this. My husband said give it a few days and if you want to call your GP then but he said it wouldn't bother him at all if it was just when he sat or lay down in bed. He said it's probably your anxiety again caused by all the stress that returned once our son was back in school.

My BP is normal and again my GP and hubby said that's great as it would be high if anything was happening like I am fearing.

Can anyone relate to this I am feeling? any reassurance? I feel I need it right now. I don't usually have health anxiety but this dizziness has really flared it up.

Thank you.

11-01-16, 14:06
I had these symptoms at the height of my brain tumour fear and a few others too so don't panic too much. The fact it went away then came back with stress is really reassuring. I'm sorry things have been so hard for you xx

12-01-16, 09:53
Thank you Hopefulmi.

I am worried because i am fatigued daily, feel light headed and woozy and now this dizziness again. It's really worrying me. My BP is a little low too.

12-01-16, 11:59
That is definitely something that ramps up with stress and anxiety x

12-01-16, 12:12
Firstly, this is not a BT. I would lay money.

Has anyone mentioned Positional Vertigo to you? While there is a possibility that stress and anxiety are probably creating a lot of your dizziness, the fact you experience dizziness when laying down and turning over in bed sure sounds like PV.

I suffer from this myself periodically, and so does my Dad. It feels awful when you have it, and is very scary when the room appears to be moving or you feel intense dizziness....almost like being drunk.

PV is something that just needs to be considered here, as I know you have had your symptoms for a while, Bonnibelle. Have a read of this link and see what you think:http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/vertigo/basics/definition/con-20028216

This is a very common condition and can be easily treated. I am in no way saying this is what you have - I am no doctor - but it sure sounds similar purely because of the laying down and feeling dizzy thing. xxx:hugs:

12-01-16, 12:53
Thanks Debs

My friend did mention BPV to me. Only thing is i am not being sick?

My Gp is useless and wouldn't diagnose me with that. Did you have to get diagnosed by your GP or go to ENT?

Thanks for your help.

Firstly, this is not a BT. I would lay money.

Has anyone mentioned Positional Vertigo to you? While there is a possibility that stress and anxiety are probably creating a lot of your dizziness, the fact you experience dizziness when laying down and turning over in bed sure sounds like PV.

I suffer from this myself periodically, and so does my Dad. It feels awful when you have it, and is very scary when the room appears to be moving or you feel intense dizziness....almost like being drunk.

PV is something that just needs to be considered here, as I know you have had your symptoms for a while, Bonnibelle. Have a read of this link and see what you think:http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/vertigo/basics/definition/con-20028216

This is a very common condition and can be easily treated. I am in no way saying this is what you have - I am no doctor - but it sure sounds similar purely because of the laying down and feeling dizzy thing. xxx:hugs:

12-01-16, 13:39
A GP could easily diagnose Benign Positional Vertigo

12-01-16, 13:42
Oh thank you. I am speaking to him Thursday so i shall ask him, he my not want to see me again as he has examined me twice and done bloods only last month.

A GP could easily diagnose Benign Positional Vertigo

12-01-16, 13:48
You are not necessarily sick with it, Bonnibelle. It is just that you may experience nausea and sickness because of the balance issues and dizziness, as the cause is usually related to inner ear issues. Bit like being on a boat on choppy sea!

To be honest, I was not formally diagnosed by anyone. I had the symptoms start very gradually - when I turned over in bed I would feel dizzy and the room would appear to move at my eyeline (so as I turned and faced the side, the room would be shifting a bit. When I stood up, I was fine again. This progressed though, to feeling extreme vertigo and the spinning room when I was standing, and that REALLY scared me and freaked me out.

I did a Google search, as I knew from my own knowledge as an ex-nurse that this was vertigo of some kind, and I found positional vertigo. Everything sounded like what I was experiencing, and because it was so intense, I immediately tried out the suggested treatment of the Epley Manoevre - a simple exercise that should nip the dizziness in the bud. Here is some info:http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/liberatory-maneuvers-for-vertigo-epley-maneuver

I did it myself at home, and it worked for me, but I am a bit gung-ho when it comes to just trying these things out myself, but this comes from having nursed I think.

I just thought that it was worth mentioning this to you, Bonnibelle, as it sort of fits your symptoms, and may be worth some consideration. Perhaps another word with your doctor may an idea. xxx:hugs:

12-01-16, 13:56
There is also the Cawthorne-Cooksey exercises which the GP can give you as a hand-out.

12-01-16, 14:00
Thank you Debs

Yes my friend did suggest it and I did think it could well be BPV. I will try those exercises. Did you take any meds or tell yoru GP about it?

My GP has checked me over, he did muscle tests, balance, co ordination, reflexes, eyes, bp, oxygen and all fine. He said it was stress. He took bloods the second time but all were ok.

I kind of don't want to bother him for a third time in 2 months.

I will try the exercises this afternoon.

THank you.

You are not necessarily sick with it, Bonnibelle. It is just that you may experience nausea and sickness because of the balance issues and dizziness, as the cause is usually related to inner ear issues. Bit like being on a boat on choppy sea!

To be honest, I was not formally diagnosed by anyone. I had the symptoms start very gradually - when I turned over in bed I would feel dizzy and the room would appear to move at my eyeline (so as I turned and faced the side, the room would be shifting a bit. When I stood up, I was fine again. This progressed though, to feeling extreme vertigo and the spinning room when I was standing, and that REALLY scared me and freaked me out.

I did a Google search, as I knew from my own knowledge as an ex-nurse that this was vertigo of some kind, and I found positional vertigo. Everything sounded like what I was experiencing, and because it was so intense, I immediately tried out the suggested treatment of the Epley Manoevre - a simple exercise that should nip the dizziness in the bud. Here is some info:http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/liberatory-maneuvers-for-vertigo-epley-maneuver

I did it myself at home, and it worked for me, but I am a bit gung-ho when it comes to just trying these things out myself, but this comes from having nursed I think.

I just thought that it was worth mentioning this to you, Bonnibelle, as it sort of fits your symptoms, and may be worth some consideration. Perhaps another word with your doctor may an idea. xxx:hugs:

---------- Post added at 14:00 ---------- Previous post was at 13:56 ----------

Thank you Pulisa.

Debs, I just looked at the exercises, did you do these yourself with no assistance? I will do them now. Do you have to do the sitting up thing on both sides though? it just says on the right side in the pictures. So you move your head both ways then turn onto right side then sit up?

How often did you do this?

12-01-16, 14:09
What about inflammation like in Labyrinthitis? There is another kind with a different name where there is no symptom of hearing loss.

It's usually a viral infection that causes it and for some people it goes on for longer. It can be made worse by a woman's monthly cycle too...so I'm wondering about the dates here looking at the post and the 2 weeks inbetween to rest up. Could BPPV also be made worse by this too?

12-01-16, 14:21
Bonnibelle, I did it both sides to be thorough about it! (sorry, i should have mentioned that)

Yes, I did it without assistance. Of course, IDEALLY you would have the assistance of a doctor, but with the chances of me winning the lottery a lot higher than me getting a GP appointment these days, I just went for it myself, with the guidance of some excellent Youtube videos, which showed medical professionals explaining the exercise.

The issue with this kind of vertigo is crystals that move in the inner ear, and cause the balance and dizziness problems. The Epley thing is designed to move them back to where they should be again, I believe.

I would suggest that it is definitely worth a try. Of course one is always advised to leave your doctor to these things, but when suffering badly, sometimes self-help is the only option, and this is a simple one to attempt.xx:hugs:

I must add, that I am not in any way, shape or form saying 'Bonni, you definitely have this', as I think that would be not my place (I'm not a doc as said) but I did just need to throw it out there for you.xxx

12-01-16, 14:48
My GP told me I didn't have labyrinthisis.He told me my ears were fine.

I am mid cycle now so not sure it is linked to that.

Thanks :-)

What about inflammation like in Labyrinthitis? There is another kind with a different name where there is no symptom of hearing loss.

It's usually a viral infection that causes it and for some people it goes on for longer. It can be made worse by a woman's monthly cycle too...so I'm wondering about the dates here looking at the post and the 2 weeks inbetween to rest up. Could BPPV also be made worse by this too?

---------- Post added at 14:48 ---------- Previous post was at 14:46 ----------

Thanks Debs

Oh good because I did it both sides too. I didn't feel sick or anything and actually didn't feel too dizzy so that's good.

Did you do this just once daily? I shall try to do it a few times a day maybe.

I will call my GP Thursday, he told me to call him if my dizziness did return.

Bonnibelle, I did it both sides to be thorough about it! (sorry, i should have mentioned that)

Yes, I did it without assistance. Of course, IDEALLY you would have the assistance of a doctor, but with the chances of me winning the lottery a lot higher than me getting a GP appointment these days, I just went for it myself, with the guidance of some excellent Youtube videos, which showed medical professionals explaining the exercise.

The issue with this kind of vertigo is crystals that move in the inner ear, and cause the balance and dizziness problems. The Epley thing is designed to move them back to where they should be again, I believe.

I would suggest that it is definitely worth a try. Of course one is always advised to leave your doctor to these things, but when suffering badly, sometimes self-help is the only option, and this is a simple one to attempt.xx:hugs:

I must add, that I am not in any way, shape or form saying 'Bonni, you definitely have this', as I think that would be not my place (I'm not a doc as said) but I did just need to throw it out there for you.xxx

12-01-16, 14:53
Thanks Debs

Oh good because I did it both sides too. I didn't feel sick or anything and actually didn't feel too dizzy so that's good.

Did you do this just once daily? I shall try to do it a few times a day maybe.

I will call my GP Thursday, he told me to call him if my dizziness did return.

I basically did it a couple of times until the dizziness had subsided, Bonni.

It is just one of those relatively simple exercises that can make a massive difference to how you are feeling. xx:hugs::yesyes:

12-01-16, 16:22
The Cawthorne-Cooksey exercises are standard eye exercises which resolve vertigo issues. Really worth a go. BPV is completely benign and harmless.

13-01-16, 15:06
Thank you for your help and reassurance :)

13-01-16, 16:14
this is currently my fear!!! I have been struggling with this bout of anxiety since October and ended up having some bloods and an ultrasound on tummy n surrounding organs my bloods came back n needed to be repeated I've started to notice pressure type headache from around the 5th Dec around the same time I found out I needed repeat bloods and stool sample, the headache initially were like pressure felt like someone was pressing down on the back of my head and neck, my husband felt my shoulders and neck and said they were extremely tense, these continued over the Xmas period and I also found they moved around from one 5 mins to the next it wud b behind my ear at one point then on top of my head the next and again feel like a pressure sensations, I also occasionally had a warm type sensation and sometime cold too like id been in bitter wind for a long time type of cold. Anyway since last Wednesday when I had a bit of a different headache and was panicking what it is I've found the main pressure has been on the very top of my head and its like just one finger is pushing down on my head again sometimes with the warm and cold sensations sometimes. I've not had to take any medication other than Sunday when I woke up with the same headache I went to bed with Saturday - I'm fear for a little while has been a brain tumour and now the feeling in my head is all I can concentrate on, I constantly rub my head to compare the sides and see if I can feel signs of a lump or swelling - even when I talking to someone in my head in saying its there again, its moved to here now etc - I take 10mg of amittipteline nightly and all my second tests came back fine - a close friend of mine who's experienced anxiety to has tried to assure me if anything sinister was going on my full blood counts and test would of show something but I just cant switch it off my mind goes round n round all day I've even had to start falling asleep with the Tele on so my mind has something to focus on
any comments advice or experience welcome ��