View Full Version : Reflux

11-01-16, 13:03
Back in October I had some stomach pains for 2 nights, went to GP who referred me for an abdominal US and blood tests. Scan was clear and blood tests normal. Dr said it was IBS. Towards the end of Oct I experienced heartburn. Went to see GP again who said it was reflux and gave me 40 mg of Omeprazole. Took 20mg morning and 20 before tea. Things eased and went away in December so stopped the omeprazole. I ate and drank normally over Christmas and felt fine. Last week I had a late meal about 11pm and went to bed. I knew instantly in the morning that I had done wrong. Since then been experiencing soreness in chest but not heartburn, and the phlegmy throat so started on omeprazole 20mg for the past 4 days.............

My HA has been fine for the past 5 weeks so I don't want to have a HA flare up. Should I go back to Drs or just manage myself? Do you think its anything cancer related? Surely if it was it wouldn't have gone away..........

11-01-16, 13:16
Late night meals are a definite no no anyway, especially with reflux issues. I would just take the PPI (Omeprazole) and get back of track with your eating habits. Both my wife and I are on a PPI and have been for over year. They're really helped.

Positive thoughts

Sam Winter
11-01-16, 13:45
i wouldn't say its anything cancer related or dangerous, i had to stop taking my omeprazole for three days because my flu gave me sore throat which made it impossible to swallow, i used to think i didn't need the tablets anymore but after those three days i discovered my burning came back with a passion and it has disappeared since i started them again, i'd go back on them and get back to your eating habits like fishmanpa suggested, and maybe no eating at 11 lol :roflmao:
x :bighug1: