View Full Version : Tonsil cancer worries (again)

11-01-16, 13:59
I posted years ago (in 2010!) on here about the fact that I have one tonsil that is about 3 times as big as the other and it looked like it had a small nodule same colour as tonsil, it looked a bit like a small tear shaped lump (def not a tonsil stone). At the time I asked my dentist and doc about it and they said one can just be bigger (kind of how you often have one foot a bit bigger than the other) and that some tonsils are just lumpy and bumpy hence the nodule. I haven't even thought about it in recent years but yesterday just out of nowhere I decided to look at my tonsils in mirror and I can no longer see the nodule on my big tonsil and it looks A different shape where the nodule was, there is a definite difference. I had another look today and it seems that the area at the top of the tonsil where the nodule was is really red compared to the rest. I've looked numerous times today and the patch where he nodule was is definitely redder than the rest. I'm not ill, my throat doesn't hurt nor have I had any kind of infection for a long time so it isn't something like tonsillitis or down to a cold. The only thing is that I was sick earlier today (probs worry) but then if that were the cause surely more of my tonsil would be bright red.

So you guessed it, I am now thinking it is tonsil cancer! Especially as I do drink wine regularly (more than I should, bad I know) and this is linked to cancers of the mouth! Has anyone ever had a tonsil change shape or had a really red patch without being ill or having an infection?

I'm going to dentist on Mon anyway, do you think it would be appropriate to ask him about it?

Sam Winter
11-01-16, 15:20
i would ask him about it as you're gonna be there anywhere and it will ease your mind, i once had red tonsils and i didn't have an infection, it eventually went away x

11-01-16, 15:32
Yes, I'm def going to. So scared in the meantime though, convinced this is going to be the time it really is something :-( I'm at work but feel like crying. Its only one corner furtherest in the throat that is red

Sam Winter
11-01-16, 15:59
my sister used to get tonsilitis all the time and what your describing doesn't appear life threatening to me, try and relax and if you think its getting worse go to the doctor x

11-01-16, 18:18
My throat isn't sore or anything though and it is just the one corner that is red..... don't think have ever been this worried :-( I can't find anything on the net about one red patch on a tonsil with no pain

---------- Post added at 18:18 ---------- Previous post was at 16:01 ----------

I am so scared that this time I'm going to be proved right and it is the C word :-( I really can't find anyone else having had this

11-01-16, 23:09
The fact you have no symptoms at all makes your fear a rather far fetched one. Certainly, ask your dentist for reassurance if you think that will help. Our bodies are asymmetrical so having different shaped tonsils is not unusual. The color difference is perceived IMO and could be the result of some poking and prodding or a natural difference. I'm quite sure all is well and it will be confirmed by your dentist.

Positive thoughts

11-01-16, 23:48
Thanks for your post, reasurance its nothing does help. The top corner of the tonsil is def red though, its such a stark bright red you couldn't miss it :-(