View Full Version : can tension do this???

24-02-07, 12:35
Hello everyone,

Just need some reassurance and advice please.

I hold a lot of tension in my neck and shoulders, but every so often, I get a feeling that my head is locked. It is as if all the muscles in my neck, head and face go really hard and solid. I obviously panic at this stage....... could this be anxiety/tension???

I am so scared at the moment....

I also find that if I put the teletext on for example, that my head and my eyes really start to hurt.

I have had my eyes tested and a MRI scan on my brain as I was getting a lot of headaches, and thankfully everything was fine.

Can anyone shed some light on this???????

24-02-07, 13:25
Yep its tension alright. I am sat here now at the computer with my neck muscles tight and locked in a spasm and a headache at the back of my neck going over my head and I know its tension coz my shoulders ache and are tight as a drum!!! My hubby says hes never ever seen anyone with such tight neck and shoulder muscles - but I did get very very tense in my neck as I suffer PAs and hold my shoulders up around my ears sometimes!!!! Love wenjoy x

24-02-07, 22:32
Yes, definately tension, I get this too, same as you and Wenjoy-stiff neck and shoulders, pain in the back of the head going over the top to the front. The more you panic, the worse it gets. Try some breathing exercises or aromatherapy if you can't get a massage.

25-02-07, 00:20
Yes it can do this .

Yoga, pilates,tai chi, dancing, warm bath, massage, correct chair positioning can all help keep it at bay

Look in the mirror- do you look like yogi bear with your shoulders up by your ears ?

25-02-07, 05:31

I get it alllllllllll the time..neck, shoulders n head..it affects normally my left side more than my right..and when it is bad my head locks or my neck shall i say..it is so painful at times...
Try using a heat pad on it and a massager..
So it is stress and tension nothing to worry about...great eh? lol

25-02-07, 15:09
I have had this problem for 4 years or so. i have tried everything and at this very moment doing physio for exercises and they also taped my shoulders back in position to take the pressure off my neck. I am slouching my shoulders and holding them up. The taping id help. Massage is also what I am doing twice a week. My massage therapist said she has never seen such tight traps. These tight traps are the cause of my head and jaw aches. I am also limited to doing exercises in my upper body because I haven't found anything that I can do that wouldn't affect these muscle groups. My massage therapist has told me to ask the physio guy to write me a prescription for the little machine that has the electroid pads that kinda shocks the muscle and releases the tension. They sell them at Shoppers in Canada for $110.00. Also it is simular to the ultra sound machine they use at the Chiropractioners.

Hopes this helps, but your not alone>

25-02-07, 19:50
Thanks everyone.

It is just so scary. Today - it felt like my head was expanding, and my jaw has started clicking everytime I open my mouth (I only notice it when I am feeling anxious/panicky), my ears also start to pop. The thoughts in my head tell me there is something seriously wrong with me.