View Full Version : Anxitey stopping me having a gf

12-01-16, 01:20
Hi does anxiety stop anyone having relationships

12-01-16, 10:19
Yeh anxiety stopped me forming relationships for a long time. I found for me I had to feel the fear and do it anyway. Incredibly hard but gets easier as you're faced with reality instead of anticipatory anxiety.

12-01-16, 11:23
It has stopped me having any kind of physical relationship with my wife.

12-01-16, 14:08

Not stop but it makes it hard when people don't understand that you can't stop thinking about somethings and telling you not to worry doesn't help.

All relationships have ups and downs it is getting through the downs that is where you work at it


ben johnson
12-01-16, 14:37
I agree to all of that. yeah its hard but with time it should get easier to fight it

12-01-16, 14:57
Yea but anxiety stops me going out I only go out maybe a few times amonth so is hard to meet a girl

---------- Post added at 14:57 ---------- Previous post was at 14:56 ----------

It would be nice to meet a nice girl who is just like me

ben johnson
12-01-16, 14:58
you can always used site to try and find one and then after a while of talking to them you can tell them and maybe meet up with them

12-01-16, 16:17
Yea maybe🤔

ben johnson
13-01-16, 13:15
its the best way I can think of doing it.