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View Full Version : I WAS having quite a good day..

12-01-16, 14:23
My anxiety has been really bad recently and I'm not at work and worried sick. One of the things that keep triggering of my anxiety is pain under my arms, mostly it's like an ache that comes and goes in one or sometimes both sides. Sometimes it feels a bit like a mild burning.

I mentioned to the dr and they didn't seem concerned but I'm worried they didn't examine me and I'm getting so stressed I keep feeling for anything but I don't know what I'm looking for. Please help has anyone been though this?

ben johnson
12-01-16, 14:34
iv pain like that in my arms before and I went to the doctors and it was just I pulled the same muscle in bot my arms, so the best thing to do is try and relax in a nice hot bath (everyday)and just don't do much with your arms like lifting and take regular pain relief

12-01-16, 16:18
I'll be having a nice bath later :-) I was particularly stressed yesterday and all night I felt very shaky so it could be the tension I guess. I seem to notice it particularly when I sit down and relax (well sit down because relaxing is quite difficult right now). I can't feel anything like lumps or anything but they feel swollen if you know what I mean.

I wonder can health anxiety set off swollen glands if you are really convinced you have an illness - almost like when it's fighting flu?

12-01-16, 16:48
Hi Cora I have this too. Do you find it pulls round the back as well on the ribs round the bra line area?

ben johnson
13-01-16, 13:17
if you go to you doctors then they might give you some auntie flamiry tablets to help it