View Full Version : Inability to make a decision

12-01-16, 15:07
Recently I've become interested in this guy who we have become very close to and over the last couple of weeks I've scared myself from the situation. Why do I have the ability to over think everything until it's ruined. Now I've gone over and over the situation until I'm completely unsure of how I feel and have no intuition on the matter. This is making me very anxious and angry as I know I can't string him along but why does everything bad that happens to me have to be pushed away because of my issues and insecurities. This is what I mean when I say anxiety takes over my life. You see even if I wanted to challenge this anxiety I would potentially hurt someone I don't want to and create further problems down the line, so is this something else I need to let go of...

Give me strength this is getting ridiculous, I'm so negatively wired up

My future looks like hell

ben johnson
12-01-16, 15:24
that's just your nerves playing with you or as people say the butterfly's in your stomach. everyone gets like it and all your brain is doing is what if this happens but all you have to remember it wont happen unless you let it, just keep telling your self you wont le it happen and it wont

12-01-16, 16:04
You know what, it can all get very complicated. Nowadays, for me, I think it's just important to make decisions, do and move forward anyway.
If it's great that's great. If it's not ideal move on to what's next.
Recognise when overthinking has frozen you to the spot and just make a decision and do. It's a good feeling seeing yourself moving forward. Nobody can get everything right all the time. Just keep moving forward.

12-01-16, 16:25
Keep in mind that you've been through a really tough time recently and it's going to take some time for things to settle down while you work on yourself and that should be your priority. Friends and friends of the opposite sex are great but just take it one day at a time and have some fun.... nothing serious. The last thing you need right now is drama... know what I mean?

Positive thoughts

12-01-16, 20:36
I am taking into account all of the above replies, thank you for your response. The issue is that I can give myself time to recover but I don't even know if that's plaisible. I am plagued with one horrendous thought after another, I recover from one to gain another so my life is being put on hold to 'recover' all the time and then it reaches its peak and I have a breakdown and get depersonalisation, etc. I don't get a break from it ever, I have really recognised this recently and this is what terrifies me. Who am I without this gut wrenching anxiety ? No one. I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore, I am so wired I. This way everything I try to do it fails and I have no strength to try again to fail or see a future of failures and mishaps due to the control this has over me. I'm exhausted, scared, lonely and done with it. I can't move forward in life because every step I take is so slow and painful I go round in circles. I have no chance of happiness in the future because I have never experienced true content in My life, I simply don't know it

12-01-16, 23:58
Ok you've responded with a load of over thinking :)

Look at the title of your thread. "Inability to make a decision". You've become interested in a guy. Recognise and ignore all the chatter, doubt, insecurity, pessimism and stick to making that decision.

You said you've grown close to him so you must like him. I say move forward with it. It can go right or it can go wrong but at least you're not stuck unable to make a decision and probably stuck as you are now forever.

To change and feel different you've got to do and think some different stuff. It might make you feel better. But if you don't you know for sure you'll continue to feel like you do today.