View Full Version : worried I have a brain tumor - sent for ct scan

12-01-16, 15:08
Hey all I'm in absolute panic as I believe I have a brain tumor and have thought so now since October 2012 over 3 years. On Saturday I started getting flashes like white lightening in my vision which I seem to see only in the dark. But I've had various other symptoms and sensations for years:

Pins and needles
Sore neck and shoulders

I have at least a 3 week wait for this ct scan..worried it will show a tumor 😭

I have had 3 clear dilated eye exams, would they have spotted anything wrong if it was so tumor?

12-01-16, 15:41
Hi Vigilante
I have a similar fear due to flickering vision.
I had my test today and specifically mentioned brain tumour and was told in the case of a brain tumour the optical nerve is usually greatly inflamed and you usually have small hemorrhages in your eyeball and this would show on the photograph of your eye.
I too am still worried but given that I don't have these I don't think it's a brain tumour (although I'm worried it's something else). She also said the field sight test would have shown something, I remember reading you had one and it was OK. I think you'll worry no matter what anybody else says but pins and needles are a definite sign of anxiety as us dizziness. Headaches can be stress, neck and shoulder pain tension.
Are you stressed lately? Tired? If your tests were all clear then I don't see how you could have a brain tumour because if you did and it was causing symptoms it would show up on your eye test.
That being said I know how hard it is not to worry.

12-01-16, 15:43
Sounds very much like ocular migraines, scary but completely harmless :winks:

12-01-16, 16:23
I'm worried also about BT...with a few symptoms and also "convinced" my right side peripheral vision is bad.

The only thing that kind of makes me feel better is that the symptoms have been there since more than 4 years and I don't notice any big change. I think BT in 4 years would have gotten worse...

12-01-16, 16:37
From your previous thread:

Well saw yet another dr at the eye A+E today who did another dilated exam and said again nothing is wrong, pupils fine, field vision fine, and rest. I asked him directly on brain tumours and was told he wouldnt be expecting this type of symptom if it was caused by any tumour, more loss of vision in one eye or loss of field vision.

Said possible migranes without headache and the starburst effect is most likely a side effect of surgery I had on my left eye, kinda still worried but thats 3 clean eye exams.

Has anyone ever seen like spots of light while looking at the sky? I noticed this too earlier, wondering if im hyper vigilant and noticing normal kinda things

Sounds like the doctor is just covering his behind. Interestingly enough, when I went to sleep last night, I had something similar but not having anxiety, I can just brush it off as nothing, which it is. We all have floaters and things that happen to us as our bodies are noisy but we learn to adjust, ignore and move on.

Positive thoughts

12-01-16, 20:59
Well his exact words were, "its not a brain tumor" but he will do a CT scan as they do with migraines and its migraines hes putting on the form.

I am right to believe having one for 3 years is near on impossible

12-01-16, 20:59
My auntie had a brain tumour and currently has another one. Her symptoms were horrendous headaches, she couldn't lie down at night as it was like work men hammering in her head, violently sick, her eyes were bulging and she felt ill and was sent for an eye test. The optician straight away saw signs of a brain tumour. She was sent to hospital and it was confirmed.

This proves that eye examinations even by a doctor would show signs. There is swelling in the optic nerve. My gp checked this for me recently when my dizziness started and I was worried. My aunties condition that causes BT is hereditary too which worries me alot but my gp tells me my eyes are fine and I passed all the neurological tests. If I'd been to A&E like you have I'd be very reassured. I'm sure they're just doing the scan for your peace of mind. Good luck and let us know how you get on

12-01-16, 23:11
Well his exact words were, "its not a brain tumor" but he will do a CT scan as they do with migraines and its migraines hes putting on the form.

I am right to believe having one for 3 years is near on impossible

Yep... exactly... this is just some really expensive reassurance.

Positive thoughts

13-01-16, 17:39
Hope so, got myself so tuned in that I notice twinkling dots of light while looking at the sky, actually Google to see I'm probably noticing a normal phenomenon called blue field entopic phenomenon.

13-01-16, 17:52

My brain is currently my fear!!! I have been struggling with this bout of anxiety since October and ended up having some bloods and an ultrasound on tummy n surrounding organs my bloods came back n needed to be repeated I've started to notice pressure type headache from around the 5th Dec around the same time I found out I needed repeat bloods and stool sample, the headache initially were like pressure felt like someone was pressing down on the back of my head and neck, my husband felt my shoulders and neck and said they were extremely tense, these continued over the Xmas period and I also found they moved around from one 5 mins to the next it wud b behind my ear at one point then on top of my head the next and again feel like a pressure sensations, I also occasionally had a warm type sensation and sometime cold too like id been in bitter wind for a long time type of cold. Anyway since last Wednesday when I had a bit of a different headache and was panicking what it is I've found the main pressure has been on the very top of my head and its like just one finger is pushing down on my head again sometimes with the warm and cold sensations sometimes. I've not had to take any medication other than Sunday when I woke up with the same headache I went to bed with Saturday - I'm fear for a little while has been a brain tumour and now the feeling in my head is all I can concentrate on, I constantly rub my head to compare the sides and see if I can feel signs of a lump or swelling - even when I talking to someone in my head in saying its there again, its moved to here now etc - I take 10mg of amittipteline nightly and all my second tests came back fine - a close friend of mine who's experienced anxiety to has tried to assure me if anything sinister was going on my full blood counts and test would of show something but I just cant switch it off my mind goes round n round all day I've even had to start falling asleep with the Tele on so my mind has something to focus on
any comments advice or experience welcome ��