View Full Version : Purple Toes???

12-01-16, 20:17
I was at the doctor today and my mom happened to be there with me. I was lying back and my feet were barely hanging off the table and she said "Why are your toes and feet turning purple??" I've noticed this happen many other times, and I was very nervous and cold. They returned to their normal color after we left. I've read it could be Raynaud's Syndrome? But does anyone else experience this as something normal or should I bring it up to my doctor? I'm only 29...

12-01-16, 20:26
Why didn't you mention while you were there at the doctor?

Positive thoughts

PS... I have a friend with Raynauds... her fingers turn whitish and they hurt.

12-01-16, 20:26
All the time hun, since being a child, I'm 36 now and no ill effects yet. Hands can go blue too.

12-01-16, 21:13
I did mention it, but was at a dermatologist and he just sort of blew me off...I guess it's not a big deal, but still concerned me!

12-01-16, 21:18
I always get purple feet!

My feet won't feel cold but if I touch them, they are actually cold, if that makes sense. My mum always laughs and says "For gods sakes Emily, get some socks on ya feet!"

It's nothing to worry about, I've had it all my life :P

12-01-16, 22:07
Me too Emily, I remember as a child my mam saying you must be freezing, but I wasn't.

12-01-16, 22:37
Me too Emily, I remember as a child my mam saying you must be freezing, but I wasn't.

It's very strange isn't it! Must just be one of the things :roflmao: xx

12-01-16, 23:18
Hmmm...mine actually ARE cold when I touch them! They seem to be cold all the time, even when they aren't purple...

12-01-16, 23:39
Hmmm...mine actually ARE cold when I touch them! They seem to be cold all the time, even when they aren't purple...

There's nothing wrong with that though? That's what I said, they're cold when I touch them, it's just one of them things. It's nothing to worry about. Purple or not, cold or not. It's nothing to worry about, like at all :)

12-01-16, 23:49
Oh sorry, I misread :) I hope not..just want to be sure it's not circulatory or anything like that!