View Full Version : Cold Intolerance/Sensitivity

12-01-16, 20:20
Does anyone else experience cold intolerance with their anxiety? There are times when I'll be outside, and it is chilly, but I'm bundled up decently, and I will shiver uncontrollably. Last week it happened so badly I could barely speak...I almost wondered if I was having a seizure!! It was cold and windy, but no one else around me seemed THAT cold. I'm starting to worry it could be something worse?

Sam Winter
12-01-16, 20:27
i actually get that all the time, thats sometimes why i i find it hard getting out of bed and going out,
and i live where its always freezing in the winter so it surprises me x

12-01-16, 23:19
It's very concerning to me! I mean I almost felt like I was going to pass out I was shivering so badly...and no one else seemed to be bothered by it!

23-01-16, 13:19
Are u still feeling like this?

23-01-16, 13:36
Yes, but I also just found out that I have Mono, so I'm not sure if that was contributing to it or not. But even before, there are times I feel shivery for no reason...

23-01-16, 13:50
I'm going through the same thing and I'm worried out if my mind .��