View Full Version : Lightheaded/Out of it

12-01-16, 22:10
Hi everyone

Some of you may remember my previous posts about being convinced that I have narcolepsy, mostly due to Google searches and reading a narcolepsy forum.
I finally saw a psychiatrist today who was really amazing. I told him my symptoms and he said that he really doesn't think I have it. He puts my feelings down to a bit of OCD and anxiety, which I don't dispute having.
For the last while, I have been feeling really light headed and dizzy, kind of like my head is overfilled with air or something. I also have this feeling of not being completely "with it" or like I don't know what I am doing, kind of like being in a dream, in a way. Even while typing this, I have flashes of feeling like, what am I typing, what am I doing. I am worried that this is tiredness coming out as dizziness or whatever, due to narcolepsy. It's a persistent and all consuming fear.
Wondering if anyone else has experienced this, if it's part of anxiety.

12-01-16, 22:20
I've definitely experienced these feelings with anxiety, and I'm not narcoleptic. Try to believe the psychiatrist, easier said than done but does sound just like anxiety xx

14-01-16, 16:09
Thanks, hopefulmi!
I had another scare this morning and am now more convinced than ever that I have narcolepsy.
I kind of half woke up this morning and saw images that I thought were trucks in my room. I think that's what it was, but now I'm not completely sure and I'm not sure if it even looked like my room or if I saw myself there as well. Sorry if this makes no sense, I'm just trying to describe what happened. I don't know if it was part of a dream but I think it was a hypnogogic hallucination which is a sign of narcolepsy,

---------- Post added at 09:09 ---------- Previous post was at 09:07 ----------

Oh and of course, I googled it and narcolepsy and read other people's stories and now am comparing myself and really convinced that I have it. I know I should not have but I did.

14-01-16, 22:03
Has anyone experienced anything like this? My head is constantly spinning and I just feel so out of it, like I don't fully know what's going on. I just want to know why I feel this way! I'm so sure that it is because I have narcolepsy.

15-01-16, 17:20
I am sorry to be so annoying but am desperate for any answers!
Thanks :)