View Full Version : Twitching/muscle jerking? Limbs, face fingers. Anxiety, something more?

12-01-16, 22:25
For the past 3.5 months i have had the worst case of anxiety ever imaginable in my life. Im 20 going on 21 in 2 months.

It all started with my fear of MS. I get full on body wide twitches/fasciculations and muscle jerks. It has manifested into fear of MS, Huntingtons, Myotonic Dystrophy, ALS, and Parkinsons. I get other symptoms too.

But these muscle jerks keep me up at night and worried during the day. It happens in my face, my limbs, my hands. Multiple times an hour.

I can't seem to grasp this notion that is could be anxiety. I feel like it CANT be anxiety. I don't think this stuff has happened before but i probably never paid any attention to it. Now that i notice it, i can't stop.

My eyebrows, eyes get little jerks/spasms. Almost of that of a hemifacial spasm. When i relax, my limbs get this out of nowhere jolt.

Have you guys gotten these jerks in the face and limbs? I am seeing a neuro this Thursday.

12-01-16, 22:44
Hi, sorry you're feeling this way. I suffer from twitching all over my body many many times. I have thought the absolute worst as well thinking I was going to have a seizure and had many fears of MS because I just feel weak all the time and my muscles feel like they're giving up on me, it's as if my body is turning in to an 80 year old women when I'm just 18 years old. Having jerks in the face and limbs are common anxiety symptoms, I know it may feel as if you may have something terrible but it's most likely not the case and you're Very healthy. If you're recently just starting on a medication, noticeable jerks in the body are common side effects too. Hope you feel better soon, you're definitely not the only one going through this.

13-01-16, 00:44
I have not started any medication. Though i think i could see a psychologist to help with this anxiety. Sadly that sh*t is expensive for someone my age!

I am not as worried about the twitching as i am about the muscle jerking. The twitching i have had on/off for some years. The facial/limb jerks are really recent.

Like they happen so frequent now, i feel like i constantly kick my boyfriend in bed even though they are such minute jerks.

I keep finding terms for this jerking behavior and all that keeps coming up is hypnic jerks (night time jerks), myoclonus, and chorea. Medical articles say it's okay if it happens at night, but i get them throughout the day too.

13-01-16, 22:07
This used to freak me right out when I first started getting this! I googled it and thought I wAs having an aneurism in my stomach!!!! But as time went on I releAsed it was a massive sign if high anxiety where your constantly tense and don't realise it, when you do finally sit down/lay down and relax that's when it starts going crazy! One minute it jumps from your leg to your eyebrow then from eyebrow to your arm then arm to stomach!!! Mine still does it now after 3 months of intense health anxiety!!!