View Full Version : Any easy way to tell if breathing problems are due to anxiety or paint ?

13-01-16, 05:14
We had a painter round the other day who accidentally used a power tool to sand down paint on a door to re-paint, he didn't realise until the end that the dust had spread out through the whole house. The paint dust laid on everything until 3 days later when it was wiped up, although not everything as it went in to every room and settled, I still notice it on remote controls and the walls when I wipe my finger on it.

I now feel I have trouble breathing, but I know it may just be me tricking my body in to feeling this way due to the paint dust. Is there any easy way to tell ? I haven't been coughing, which perhaps is a good sign. I just feel I can't get a full breath anymore.

Thanks for any help.