View Full Version : Suddenly I can't cope, please help me...

13-01-16, 06:48
I've been in 30mg of citalopram for 2.5 years now. I've been doing absolutely fine, sometimes I've had a little blip for a day or so if somethings really upset me but I've been okay. For the last 6 months I've been planning my wedding, which is is March this year so we're really close but suddenly I'm not coping very well with anything. My sleep has gone out the window, my appetite is all over the place, I feel tired all the time and for a usually chatty person I can't talk, in my head it's so loud and I want to cry and scream all the time. I don't want to see anyone, I don't want to go anywhere or do anything. My house is an absolute mess because I can't do anything, I feel like I'm crashing and I'm crashing hard and now I'm scared because I don't know what to do.

Do I hold on and keep going? Do I go back to my doctor, and maybe see about a dose increase?

I need something, I'm scared and don't what to do

X thank you

13-01-16, 09:07
Wow, you have a lot going on! Weddings are very stressful. Can you tell if you are stressed or actually anxious? May seem like a silly question, but I guess there's a difference and if it's stress, changing meds won't help. Sounds to be like you've just gotten overwhelmed. Is there any way you can give yourself some time out to rest/relax a bit?

13-01-16, 09:13
It's definitely anxiety. I've had a few panic attacks too recently, it's not a silly question at all and it's one I double check with myself all the time ☺️ I take time out but struggle with any sort of motivation, my depression and anxiety take hold and I feel numb to everything and just feel like I'm existing x