View Full Version : Victim of the waiting game

13-01-16, 07:35
Well here I am, a victim to the waiting game for test results (bloods).
Did OK yesterday, night sweats last night, coldsore appeared so I know I'm run down.
Legs feel like jelly, can't concentrate on anything. Insides feel like they're shaking.
A million what ifs going round in my head. Results could be Friday or Monday.

13-01-16, 08:09
Sorry to hear you are having a rough time again, Tracey. :hugs:

You just know it's going to be Monday, don't you! :doh: Just like when you apply for a job and that happens and you spend all weekend stressing over it. When that used to happen to people applying for promotions or new jobs I used to go the old fashioned wisdom approach on it and say 'you can't change it, it's done'. It's easier not to worry though when you don't have a worrying disorder!

Good or bad, it's done. Sometimes you just need to break the chain with the obsessive overthinking and a bit of a break can mean you can fight it off from getting to fever pitch again or have more of a chance to let it go and accept things. Maybe try some distracting things and see if it helps with that?

13-01-16, 08:10
Good luck!

13-01-16, 08:27
I've got to go to work so I'm hoping that will offer a distraction.
I'm using all my strength to tell myself that the test is done now, nothing will change the results, and if anything, it's a way forward as I'll know it's either anxiety causing me to feel like this, or if there is something medical I can work on fixing it.

13-01-16, 08:38
Yes, that's it. You have NOT been forced into having a test but you have CHOSEN to have one. You are testing to empower yourself to work on the issue causing it, something or just anxiety.

On some of your recent threads you have been demonstrating facing fear with positivity, wanting to do things, and that is very important. That's a major step forward from being pushed to do things by something or someone, including anxiety.

Holding onto that choice is staying positive and not allowing your fight or flight to tell you to do something.

13-01-16, 13:33
You won't have to wait that long for a FBC-give them a call tomorrow? There's normally a rapid turnaround for these tests

14-01-16, 10:29
Tests results were quick, all normal, not even slightly out of ranges.
Guess I've got to work harder on the anxiety.

14-01-16, 11:41
Normal even taking into account your latest health setback?

Please don't get them re-done?!:D It's very good news. You're already onto your anxiety so now you don't have to worry that there could be any other reason x

14-01-16, 12:16
Thanks hun, I was shocked too, but it reaffirms what I already 90% knew, it's all in my head.
It's a really good starting point for my next CBT next week.
Got to move forward, tests are definitive and they are showing that I'm healthy.

14-01-16, 13:26
Good luck hun, the way I've felt lately, I expected all kinds, it really has helped me to realise that anxiety can really cause a huge array of barmy symptoms.

14-01-16, 13:35
I had bloods taken last Thursday to confirm my fibromyalgia is fibromyalgia.

Haven't even bothered phoning up as if I hear nothing, I assume all is ok.

Glad to hear your bloods were ok, Tracey. x

14-01-16, 13:56
Thanks hun, I was surprised at the quick turn around.

15-01-16, 05:11
Glad things were OK, Tracey.

I guess you as "normal" as the rest of us then :winks:

15-01-16, 17:13
Really pleased for you, good luck with the therapy.