View Full Version : Anxiety preceded by reflux?

13-01-16, 08:09
Did anyone else have reflux for a while before their anxiety got bad? I read something about gut bacteria and anxiety recently and wondered if there could be a link?

13-01-16, 08:18
Gut bacteria certainly has an impact on a fair few things, as they are still finding.

Your gut certainly does have a strong connection to anxiety. They have proven in rats how there are 2 channels involved "brain-to-gut" and "gut-to-brain" and how when they severed the first and subjected them to fear testing, it triggered a brain reaction from the gut reacting to the stimulus.

I think it's a very interesting area to keep an eye on. There are some studies coming out about strains impacting mood but I think they have been by commercial companies but there are also some uni studies about pro & prebiotics helping with anxiety.

What did you read? Whilst the anxiety links seems like it's taking off, what is it about the earlier symptom of reflux in the studies?

13-01-16, 10:55
My problems only really starting in 2010...with a bout of reflux. It was the first time I was diagnosed. After that I got an episode of anxiety.

Since then it's been anxiety reflux anxiety reflux, kind of doing a tag team on me. Last year my reflux got really bad and I started worrying about losing my voice (not good as a teacher) and went to the Drs a number of times. After that my most recent bout, and the worst anxiety/depression ever hit.

I guess there could be a third causal factor ->stress. It could be causing both I suppose.

I read this article:

13-01-16, 11:53
My doctors said I've got costochondritis which has been even more painful since my anxiety is making it worse. I've just started on sertraline for anxiety and depression and I am struggling with stress too. Some conditions are linked with others- I was told that anxiety can trigger acid reflux.

Sam Winter
13-01-16, 14:01
i've always suffered with heartburn on rare occasions through my life but after i was diagnosed and my anxiety got worse last year i certainly started getting reflux more and more until it got worse and now i'm on omeprazle x

13-01-16, 14:42
2010 -some Gaviscon, no more problems
2012 -Gaviscon tablets daily for periods...constant heartburn
2013 -drinking gaviscon before bed. Stomach churning constantly
2014 -insomnia, Finally start PPIs, never thought I'd get to this stage
2015 -regular PPI, hoarseness, coughing, sore throat.