View Full Version : Melanoma scare

13-01-16, 08:13
First time I've been back for a while! I thought I was going strong against my health anxiety but I guess not... :(

Had this tiny mole on my left upper arm which has not changed. Had aching for several years in this area occassionally which comes and goes. Went to my GP/family doctor and he had a good look and said that pain/aching is very uncommon and that the mole looked fine to him.

It's aching today and I can't help but feel its a melanoma :(

Anyone ever get this?

13-01-16, 10:21
I was utterly convinced I had Melanoma over Christmas, it ruined Christmas completely couldn't even eat my Christmas dinner (my fave part of the day haha). My mole is asymmetrical and has uneven edges but is a compound mole. The doctors know what they are looking for plus you said yours hasn't changed.

13-01-16, 16:37
I have worried about a mole on my neck for years and I mean yrs I'm 33 and remember telling my mom I hated it as a child. On the crease of my neck and was a raised my the last 18 since my anxiety started its been a constent checking, taking photos of it to compare asking my husband does it look a different colour to u - finally Nov last yr id had enough, I ntocied at times it was sore and felt myself mess with it stretching my neck to check shape and colour and as it was raised it always looked two colours to me - I saw my Dr and asked to have it removed, it was in my control and knew I cudn carry on over applying sun cream on a warm day and stressing about the sun being on it - o had it removed Dec and it was sent off for analysis I haven't heard anything back so assuming its fine, but its funny as my anxiety is still high at the moment I felt myself reach for it last night before remembering its not there anymore, had to have a little laugh at myself for being so daft. But its gone and the 2 stiches were worth it - hope it settles down for u but no u have the option to have to removed xx