View Full Version : Help needed

13-01-16, 08:32
I have suffered with health anxiety for years now been trying to get back on track . My fear is heart related where every pain or weird sensation in chest has to be heart attack or heart failure. I get weird popping sensations in chest or it genuinely feels like my heart or chest vibrates it's horrible. I'm scared all the time I get palpitations all the time just need a bit of advice please. It also feels like my heart is being squeezed but doctors put it down to anxiety all the time. Xx

13-01-16, 09:30
hi hun
sorry to hear your suffering so much i can really relate i too at the moment have intense heart aniexty have you had tests done in the past even a ecg?

13-01-16, 17:02
I have had ecgs and had stress test and echo done in 2013 and all was ok but I constantly doubt that I'm ok. If I get leg pain it has to b clot or chest pain has to b heart it never anything else.

13-01-16, 17:11
omg u sound like me lol iv had every test under the sun im still convinced maybe something was missed or iv developed it since iv been there with the blood clots ect
and also i cant just have a cold or just a pain its always got to be something serious it is so frustrating! i get completly how u feel

13-01-16, 17:11
My brain is currently my fear!!! I have been struggling with this bout of anxiety since October and ended up having some bloods and an ultrasound on tummy n surrounding organs my bloods came back n needed to be repeated I've started to notice pressure type headache from around the 5th Dec around the same time I found out I needed repeat bloods and stool sample, the headache initially were like pressure felt like someone was pressing down on the back of my head and neck, my husband felt my shoulders and neck and said they were extremely tense, these continued over the Xmas period and I also found they moved around from one 5 mins to the next it wud b behind my ear at one point then on top of my head the next and again feel like a pressure sensations, I also occasionally had a warm type sensation and sometime cold too like id been in bitter wind for a long time type of cold. Anyway since last Wednesday when I had a bit of a different headache and was panicking what it is I've found the main pressure has been on the very top of my head and its like just one finger is pushing down on my head again sometimes with the warm and cold sensations sometimes. I've not had to take any medication other than Sunday when I woke up with the same headache I went to bed with Saturday - I'm fear for a little while has been a brain tumour and now the feeling in my head is all I can concentrate on, I constantly rub my head to compare the sides and see if I can feel signs of a lump or swelling - even when I talking to someone in my head in saying its there again, its moved to here now etc - I take 10mg of amittipteline nightly and all my second tests came back fine - a close friend of mine who's experienced anxiety to has tried to assure me if anything sinister was going on my full blood counts and test would of show something but I just cant switch it off my mind goes round n round all day I've even had to start falling asleep with the Tele on so my mind has something to focus on
any comments advice or experience welcome ��

13-01-16, 17:44
I know that when I get a thought in my head it is very hard to get it out of it. The thoughts of something being wrong with me is completely draining me on all levels. I hate being scared all the time and being worried all the time. Went doctors yesterday with leg and doctor measured it and squeezed it and told me it was fine but I don't believe it cause still in pain with it and still worried. It's so hard to convince yourself that you are ok.

13-01-16, 17:54
Its so hard n now I don't no if its not going because I'm constantly thinking about it, even if there's no lain I still think "there's nothing there now" just a washing machine of emotions constantly going round, see my counsiller Fri so hoping for some answers as iv had to keep an anxious diary for her to read to look for a pattern

13-01-16, 18:13
I had my first session of cbt today but it was just introduction of myself and what happening with me. I just need to learn to not think worse case scenario all the time.

13-01-16, 19:10
Its not easy thou o just get hit by a wave of panic and rationalness goes out the window straight onto google and seeing according to them in already dead, these sensations in my head are doing my head in n cant figure out of its cause its always on my mind or if its something more