View Full Version : It's one of those threads: "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?"

13-01-16, 12:06
Hey there, fellow sufferers, do-gooders, samaritans and nice people,

I am a, 24 year old young man.
I would like to be a little bit of diagnosed by you. I know the real-life docter is the one to do that, but I've been there already and I have found a little good help at a psychologist, daily mindfulness (if I can get myself that far), positive thinking and screaming "LIFE IS GOOD" as a mantra in my head when creepy thoughts arise. But I still want to see if anybody recognizes my issues.

To the point then: I'm having panic attacks for about two years now. In the beginning I didn't know what hit me, then it dissapeared for a while, then I made some stupid, stressful mistakes in life and then it came back accompanied with more.
It came back with a nagging sense of not a just panic, but pure dread. It went worse and suddenly I began to worry for suicide a lot. And then I mean a really big lot. Accompanied with existential worries when time moved on (I am in this body? What am I here for? What does a life on earth matter when it's dying anyway?), panic attacks and feelings of dread worsened over time. I became really afraid that I was becoming suicidal, because of the feeling of dread, and due to a lack of coping system, my brain decided to try and find solace in the bigger picture AKA the universe, which kind of worsened it.

Now I have posted this as a GAD thread, because panic attacks are common for me for about 2 years now, but the thoughts.. is this OCD? I cannot simply stop them. Anybody recognize this behaviour?

Is this what a suicidal person goes through? Or am I "simply going mad", in a good non-lethal way?

I'm having a couple of other symptoms, but before I'm making this post any longer I'm curious if there even will be response to it. (I've always avoided online-communities, so this is a first!)

Thanks for reading this and I hope anybody can tell me something about it.

Sam Winter
13-01-16, 13:55
this is quite interesting because i have had all these thoughts before in the past and i thought i was the only one,
i don't quite know whether its ocd as i've been told i have a bit of every anxiety under the sun,
i'm not quite sure how or why mine went away but after getting help and starting to think more positively i saw it go away x

13-01-16, 14:38
Go to the doctors!

13-01-16, 17:33
this is quite interesting because i have had all these thoughts before in the past and i thought i was the only one,
i don't quite know whether its ocd as i've been told i have a bit of every anxiety under the sun,
i'm not quite sure how or why mine went away but after getting help and starting to think more positively i saw it go away x

So you really had the same experience with the creepy death thoughts as well? And your're good now?

---------- Post added at 18:33 ---------- Previous post was at 18:32 ----------

Go to the doctors!

Well I went and the psychologist doesn't seem all too concerned about it.
What do you think is going on and why did you comment with those words? Do you recognize it?

14-01-16, 12:40