View Full Version : having a difficult day

13-01-16, 15:05
this week has not been going great so far in the wait for my blood tests next week following the results of my previous blood tests, and I'm really at the point now where I'm not sure how much more of this I can take. if my blood tests come back with good results, it will feel like the biggest weight off my shoulders, but I know for a fact that it'll only be a matter of hours before I start worrying about the next symptom.
last night my boyfriend and I were chatting before we went to sleep (he's fantastic at supporting me through my anxiety) and i decided to tell him what illnesses i thought i have at the moment. it turns out that at present, i truly believe i have one, or all, or some variety of: cervical cancer, stomach/bladder/bowel cancer, brain tumour, throat cancer, leukaemia, breast cancer, and a heart condition. we actually had a little giggle and he said 'wow, you're looking pretty good to say you've got all of those!' I'm just beginning to wonder, will this actually ever end? will we ever overcome health anxiety?

one of my great concerns is the day that i become a mother. for as long as i can remember i have dreamed of becoming a mum, and my partner and i cannot wait to start a family within the next 2 years. I fear that the joys of having a brand new baby will be totally sucked away and destroyed by my crippling health anxiety & worry for the baby's health. I don't know how to tackle this and im so terrified of destroying my chances of being an amazing mum through my issues with health anxiety. how do people deal with this? it would be great to hear of any new mums that managed to conquer their health anxiety.

sorry for the rant, I'm just having one of those days :unsure: xxx

13-01-16, 18:37
I think you should go to the doctor and try to sort out your irrational thinking. I'm exactly the same. I have convinced myself I have lymphoma, stomach cancer, liver cancer, oesophageal cancer and leukaemia in the past month, and I am more than 99% sure that I don't.

Your anxiety is the culprit, maybe attempt to get some therapy or some medication for your anxiety?

Pleasant wishes