View Full Version : My head's a mess.

13-01-16, 20:17
My anxiety is getting terrible again :( I talked to my GP about it last Friday and he suggested that I'd go to a Mindfulness course. I will go because I will try anything right now. I've looked into a little before and whenever I'd try to be mindful it made my anxiety even worse :( Will that pass this time?

I'm just sick of it all. My medications (Sertraline and Mirtazapine) aren't doing anything for my anxiety :( They used to help my depression a lot but I'm starting to feel depressed again.

I tried to learn to drive a few months ago and that was a joke. I would work myself up to much I would do stupid things. I had a nasty panic attack after the second lesson and stopped.

I'm just constantly on edge and I constantly think something terrible will happen.

I'm living in fear basically :( I think I need new medication too. I'm scared of losing my mind and I can't wait for 5 weeks (when that course starts) feeling like this for something that may make me even worse. I've felt physically sick all day because of this anxiety.

Should I see my doctor again? The idea of a new medication is given me more hope than the mindfulness course is. The mindfulness course may help if my anxiety is control under medication but I don't think it's enough without medication.

13-01-16, 20:27
Mindfulness takes a lot of practice, but it's worth it - took me maybe 3 or 4 months to actually "get it" but it really does work.

13-01-16, 20:31
I'm in a similar situation (see my post from today 'struggling'). I stopped with the drugs a week ago and now the horrible, pressing anxiety is back. After three days, I'm sick of it. I try to read about mindfulness and awareness and buddhism, but most of the time my brain gets the better of me :-( Tonight I am considering taking a pill just so I can get a decent night's sleep.

So just know that you aren't alone, if that helps any ;-)

13-01-16, 20:35
I'm in a similar situation (see my post from today 'struggling'). I stopped with the drugs a week ago and now the horrible, pressing anxiety is back. After three days, I'm sick of it. I try to read about mindfulness and awareness and buddhism, but most of the time my brain gets the better of me :-( Tonight I am considering taking a pill just so I can get a decent night's sleep.

So just know that you aren't alone, if that helps any ;-)

I feel you mate - I was the same when I started mindfullness... it's not an overnight fix unfortunately...

Exercise, mindfullness and a decent vitamin have been better than any med I have taken.

13-01-16, 20:44
I have read so many positive things about Mindfulness so it does make me somewhat positive. I may download a mindfulness audiobook tonight and see how I go again. I will still go to the course as I need to start going out more and meeting new people. I'm not working due to anxiety and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (great mix -___-) so don't really get out that much anymore.

I had a cry after posting this thread and feel a bit better crying it out.

13-01-16, 20:46
Today I started a multi-vitamin/mineral that has a high magnesium content, and I am also trying the Bach Flower 'Resuce Remedy' for night time. I already do yoga every day, but I certainly need more physical exercise to get all the excess adrenaline out of my system. That is the worst, when you can actually feel the adrenaline the anxiety produces pulsing through your body. I want to jump out of my skin!!! I am going to continue the mindfulness reading...I know there has to be another way other than the drugs.

13-01-16, 23:03
Follow the link in my signature for plenty of free Mindfulness downloads if it helps. I put it together because of the posts asking about it to save posting some resources each time.

It took me a good couple of months to feel it and longer for the returns and it made me feel worse at first too because a) it was new so a change issue that is a problem for many of us and b) it asked me to focus on sensations I was already struggling with so seemed paradoxical and I didn't see how that would help.

It took time to be able to concentrate enough. So, at first it may feel more like a relaxation exercise. I for doing any technique like breathing ones or PMR presented the same problems to me.

14-01-16, 08:46
I feel you mate - I was the same when I started mindfullness... it's not an overnight fix unfortunately...

Exercise, mindfullness and a decent vitamin have been better than any med I have taken.

Any good sites you can recommend for mindfulness?
Are you still taking meds also?