View Full Version : Dr Google vs anxiety

13-01-16, 20:20
Hi everyone

First time posting so I'm a little nervous. I'm aware no one can diagnose on here but some feedback would be great.
Shortly after the birth of my baby (2 years ago), I was up feeding late at night and felt my right arm go weird, like pins and needles, this lasted for days and no matter what I did I couldn't shake it off. There were times where it was more prominent at night, I went to gp as I also had a ganglion on my wrist. He diagnosed mothers wrist, went to hospital and got it drained. Hospital sent me to a neurologist for nerve conduction tests to rule out carpal tunnel. Also seen physio at hospital for neck pain, she said I had a dowagers hump due to bad posture, I mentioned my arm and she said I would need an MRI to check if there was a trapped nerve in neck. Time passed and my arm felt better, returned to gp for follow up who checked my bloods and spoke about my arm and said he felt I was suffering from anxiety. He said he could give me beta blockers but it was up to me. I declined. I went home and STUPIDLY GOOGLED, and according to google I have an array of neurological diseases, namely MS. Went to see the neurologist for nerve tests in arm and all fine, no carpal tunnel. She could see I was upset so I told her about googling and she spoke about me and asked about symptoms and she said I didn't have it. I came home and felt better.
Time passed and one day I woke up and my arm felt normal again. I got a sports massage on my neck and continued to do my neck exercises. I occasionally get burning pain in neck when I'm ironing or washing up, always put that down to bad posture. Or maybe sometimes it's tight when I'm anxious.
About 2 months ago I was aware of a sore lower back, put it down to carrying my 2 year old about. I was talking to a friend one day and I mentioned I had a sore back and neck, low and behold she started to tell me about her friend that was diagnosed with MS from having back and neck pain. You can imagine, I was straight home and on Google, from then my life has went downhill. I started having upper back pain, insomnia, tingling, pins and needles everywhere from feet to hands, back Tingling, weight loss, loss of appetite, brain fog and so on.
After nearly 1 month off not sleeping and worrying I went to my gp to discuss my symptoms, she said it was classic anxiety and my nerves were on all edge and I was heading for a breakdown. My life is hectic, my husband works away for long periods, I have 2 kids and I work part time. I also have no support, so when I'm not working I always have the kids.
Gp took bloods, completed a depression questionnaire and off I went with beta blockers and anti -depressants. I reluctantly took them, it felt like I kept getting a new symptom everyday, I was aware of the sensitivity on my thighs, was very conscious of jeans and trousers against them. More than I used to feel, I think. Eyes were funny, not sore but achey, then the all over body twitching started followed by the jerking feeling when trying to fall asleep. Then the lower eyelid twitched all day everyday, it was scary and still is.
I went back to gp, who gave me iron supplements for a low ferritin count, took me off AD for a week incase they were causing side effects. Offered me CBT and a referral to a psychiatrist!!!
I currently get private healthcare with my husbands work, so she said That she wouldn't normally have referred me to a NHS neurologist but for my own peace of mind, she will make a referral to see a private neurologist as she feels I can't move on unless I know in my mind this isn't anything more than anxiety. She says these symptoms are of anxiety and not any neurological disease.
On days where I am happy and relatively symptom free I can understand its anxiety and its years of being stressed with kids and husbands job, but on other days like today, where I have a sore and burning lower back and fuzzy hands, it's hard to accept this is anxiety. She kept me off AD as she felt I was coping without them. I am also signed off from my work. My sleeping and appetite have improved since husband home from work.
Can anyone relate to my symptoms and believe they are anxiety?
Thanks to anyone who read my long post!

13-01-16, 20:28
If Anxiety and Google were in a boxing match, I think every fight would be fixed to let Anxiety win. It's like Anxiety's people would be paying off Dr. Google big time to just take a fall and send the worst possible search results ;)

Based on the fact you were starting to do better then everything went straight to hell after Googling, I think you know what I'm going to say ;)

Positive thoughts

13-01-16, 20:35
Thank you for your reply. I totally agree with it, I wish I could rewind and not have googled!! I am new to anxiety and never understood how debilitating it can be on you. The new symptoms and heightened sensitivity to feel anything in your body is so hard to overcome.
I have the neurologist next week, so hopefully I can draw a line and move on.

13-01-16, 23:35
Hi hun,

I completely know what you mean. I've gone through something similar the last several months with back and neck pain, and pain/tingling in my right arm.

Do you think it's possible that you could have anxiety combined with pinched nerve or neck disc issues? That is what my doctor and chiropractor think is causing my very similar symptoms (neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain underneath shoulder blade, numbness and pain radiating through arm and outer fingers - this is all on the right side, mind you, so I freaked out at first). I described my pain and dull, achy and burning as well.

Hope things get better for you!

13-01-16, 23:49
Thank you for your reply. Sorry to hear you have some similar issues. Glad to hear you know what it is. Logically yes I do think I can have some disc issues radiating from my neck, definitely combined with anxiety. My right arm went weird again recently, so I know when I'm anxious it does this. I also wonder when I'm anxious my neck gets stiff and tight hence the weird arm.
Just so nervous about neurologist next week. I don't google anymore as it just scares me. But the thought of possibility finding out what's wrong - if anything, scares me too!!

I also wondered as I have low ferritin that maybe some of these symptoms were down to low vitamin levels, dr doesn't seem to think so.

Thank you for taking the time to reply

12-02-16, 14:48
Hi. I too have been having similar issues. How did it go at the neurologist appt?

12-02-16, 16:19
ive just had my ferritin done as part of being diagnosed with anxiety. mine were normal. id go back and ask for it to be done again as your symptoms sound like you may be low on b12, or maybe just pick some up from chemist and see if they make you feel better. they wont harm you its just a form of iron