View Full Version : Totally fed up

13-01-16, 20:48
As most of you regulars know, I've had a relapse with my Ha and I've been working hard to overcome it.
After feeling particularly run down I asked for blood tests and I'm waiting for results.
I now know why I'm feeling run down, my pilonidal abscess which was operated on I'm September has returned. I'm shivery and cold. I'm so fed up, rationally I know that it doesn't mean another operation, but regardless it means a lot of pain and feeling like crap for the foreseeable.
I've only just returned to work. I've started some antibiotics that were left over after my operation and will need to see Dr tomorrow.
Annoyed cause this will throw my blood test results too and will probably need repeating for me to accept results.
Thanks for listening to me moan!

13-01-16, 20:55
That's really bad luck, Tracey and I'm very sorry. I should imagine that this will affect the results of some of your blood tests but you'd probably want to be retested anyway once you are infection-free.

Really sorry again xx

13-01-16, 20:59
Just my luck hun, finally pluck up courage to get tests then this happens. On a positive note, I now know why the anxiety is creeping back, it is like my little demon when I'm feeling run down! Felt like someone was strangling the life out of me today (new symptom, funnily enough no-one was strangling me when I was relaxed having a pub lunch with a colleague).
I've been 4 weeks without cbt due to Christmas and me and my therapists commitments, I thought I'd do fine, guess that's a learning curve for us both and now she'll get to see me at my near worst.