View Full Version : Anxiety- deep thinking

Mikey V
24-02-07, 20:31
I'm really glad i found this site, everyone seems to know what there talking about and everyone is really nice, a great place for anxiety sufferers.

Anyways, I can't shake this feeling and fear of going crazy, it just runs through my head all day. I really can't explain what kind of mind state i go through sometimes but its sure scary and it feels very close to insanity. Does this have anything to do with insanity. I'm a constant deep thinker, is this bad, am i testing my limits of my mind, can a person think themselves insane?. Another thing im afriad of is from all the weird states of mind i go through its having a big effect on my brain, maybe its messing with my chemicles in my brain, leaving me with a chemicle imbalance. Its been close to 2 years its been like this and i just never get a break, its constant, its really a waste of life. Its almost like i have expanded my mind too much, i think of things and get way to deep into it to the point where i get the "awe" feeling, the feeling of too much wonder, if that makes sence.

So thats what is going on with my mind right now, any replys would be great

Thanks Mike

Kate C
24-02-07, 20:42
Hi Mikey V.

Deep thinking is a heck of a burden isn't it? I feel that I am at a stage where I just think too much about everything. However, I have been like this for years and it's only intermittently do I think I'm going mad, the thinking reaches a crescendo. Exhausted nerves create a chemical imbalance, like a car battery running down, constant deep thought doesn't - I should know, I've thought about it a lot. That said, your mind becomes so used to the habit of thinking to this level that it happens automatically.

I find that I need a lot of distraction to steer me away from my habit. I find this helps and stops me running the same thing over and over again in my head. It sometimes also helps in making any worries seem a lot smaller by the time I stop what I'm doing and go back to my original deep thought. Over time the magnitude of your thoughts/ preoccupations should lessen. What do you think?



Mikey V
24-02-07, 21:40
I hope so

24-02-07, 21:51
The best description I ever heard was PARALYSIS BY ANALYSIS which makes sense to me. We can think ourselves into a stupor and lose control of our lives if we're not careful. Try and find something that requires deep thinking, an educational course perhaps? Something that really stretches your intellect.

Hope this helps.


24-02-07, 22:02
You know, deep thinking may seem to be a bad thing, especially if you obsess about things but I think that deep thinkers are really caring people. They often care too much. They worry, not only about themselves but about other people too. They worry about the world - they take on other people's worries. Of course, this doesn't do them any favours. They get all the associated panic and anxiety symptoms which are hell to live with.

I've seen people on some everyday forums be quite rude to each other and I've thought, was there really any need for that? Some people don't seem to be able to see things from another person's perspective. Well, from what I've seen on the short space of time that I've been here is that people here don't do that. People here care, they support each other and that is wonderful. Deep thinkers suffer but they also care. Now, in a world where a lot of people don't care, this is a very altruisitic thing to do. Again, it doesn't do us any favours but we have to ask, why do we do it?

We do it because WE CARE.


25-02-07, 05:42

Deep thinking.....hmmmmmm lol

I hate it tbh...my mind is always thinkn of things and to great depth..

I think sometimes some ppl are so caught up with their illness that they can't c other ppls points of view..we have to stand back n think things thru..calm down sometimes..in other words dont react, just think..so yes in that way its a very good thing...

25-02-07, 13:33
Hi Mikey v. To be a deep thinker shows that you are someone who is very bright and intelligent as well as a caring person. I too drive myself nuts with over-analysis and like you, I often feel I am going mad. I had a very good psychiatrist once who said that if you THINK you're going mad then you aren't! I tell myself that anxiety plays tricks on your mind and that it will pass. I hope that you feel better soon x

25-02-07, 19:17
Hi Mikey V :)

I too sometimes wish I could just switch my brain off for a while. Sometimes I think there 's not enough room for any more in there! Constant deep thinking seems to take over every day life. I get very concerned when I realise I haven't replied to letters I promised to write, phonecalls I promised to return - and PM's I promised to send to my NMP friends!!
I just recently had a misunderstanding with a very good friend and although they have said I musn't feel bad, I do - and think all the time 'I wish I could turn the clock back' - and wonder what they're thinking about me now. Crazy 'aint it?

So, I understand how you feel - we are in the right place here on NMP. I hope you posting your concern on here has helped you as much as replying to it has helped me !!

I'll say PM me anytime - and do my best to reply..........although I can't promise lol !!:emot-rolleyes:

lotsa luv

GG :emot-dance:
