View Full Version : Found a slight dimple in bottom of my left breast, SO scared! :(

14-01-16, 15:43
I'm 31 years old with no family history (that I know of) of breast cancer. Anyway, a few months ago (maybe 4 or so) I found a slight dimple at the bottom of my left breast when I raised my arms up. Its not there when my arms are down. I made note of it but I didn't panic (surprisingly! :wacko:) anyway, yesterday I was getting ready in the morning and I was putting my hair up and noticed it again. For some reason it triggered shear panic and I ran to the computer and started googling about dimpling in the breast. As you can imagine, the big C word was flashing back at me. I didn't find much else it could be honestly. I'm totally freaking out! I know I need to phone my GP and take it from there but I just need some advice from other ladies that have been through this. I do have my annual OB/GYN appointment coming on on February 16th, about 4 weeks from now. I defiantly plan to mention it to her when she does my breast exam. After I noticed the dimple yesterday, I felt all around my left breast and didn't feel any lump so that helped me feel a little better but then read several stories online of women who had the dimple but no lump. This dimple is extremely slight. I, of course, have checked it out sevearal times since I noticed it again, yesterday and I admit a few times I wasn't even sure if I was seeing it. That is how slight it is. Its small, smaller than 1/2 of my pinky nail I'd say as well. I can't really compare my 2 breast because the one I'm referring to is practically another cup size bigger than my right (always have been that way, my entire life) so its hard to say. Can anyone relate I'm just a wreck! I haven't told my husband or my Mom so I'm dealing with this on my own. :( :weep:

---------- Post added at 15:43 ---------- Previous post was at 13:32 ----------

Anyone I'm completely terrified!!!

14-01-16, 16:34
dunno if this is any good

14-01-16, 16:41
dunno if this is any good

Thank you for replying and for the link. I read it and it helped me feel a bit more at ease but I'm still a wreck and I'm worried. I'm anxious to hear back from my doctor. I emailed her a picture of what I'm talking about ot see what she thought.

14-01-16, 17:12
Nice to be able to email a doctor. :)

I think 31 is awfully young for breast cancer.

14-01-16, 19:15
Nice to be able to email a doctor. :)

I think 31 is awfully young for breast cancer.

It is young but not unheard of, unfortunately. :(

---------- Post added at 19:15 ---------- Previous post was at 17:33 ----------

Ugh! I'm a teary mess and can't stop googling. :(

14-01-16, 20:12
I'm going through the same thing. My dimple is on my left breast, 2 cms long and indented by a few mils. I have an appointment in a weeks time and I know I'm not going to stop obsessing until then.:(

14-01-16, 20:48
I'm going through the same thing. My dimple is on my left breast, 2 cms long and indented by a few mils. I have an appointment in a weeks time and I know I'm not going to stop obsessing until then.:(

I'm sorry your dealing with the same worry!! :( Feel free to PM me anytime. When us your appt. Mine is Feb 16th with my gyne. How old are you? I'm 31 with no history.

---------- Post added at 20:48 ---------- Previous post was at 20:14 ----------

I took a picture of the dimple and sent it via FB to my OB/GYN and she replied with "It looks OK to wait." I assume if she thought it was bad, she'd want me in sooner???

14-01-16, 21:16
That's a good thing if she said its ok to wait, I wish I could email my DR but we can't do that in UK.My appointment is next Thursday.Im almost 30 no family history, 2 children.
Age is on our side but I know of 2 people in the same town under 40 who have breast cancer and it frightens me. X

14-01-16, 21:16
If you are concerned about it, make an appointment to see your GP.

14-01-16, 21:31
My GP appointment is next Thursday

14-01-16, 21:34
That's a good thing if she said its ok to wait, I wish I could email my DR but we can't do that in UK.My appointment is next Thursday.Im almost 30 no family history, 2 children.
Age is on our side but I know of 2 people in the same town under 40 who have breast cancer and it frightens me. X

Please let me know how your appointment goes. If you don't want to post you can PM me. I'm sure everything will be just fine!!

17-01-16, 23:54
After checking my breast a thousand times I'm almost positive what I'm seeing is a faint stretch mark. Is that possible?

18-01-16, 01:36
After checking my breast a thousand times I'm almost positive what I'm seeing is a faint stretch mark. Is that possible?

Absolutely. I have some faint stretch marks on my breasts from having lost/gained weight over the years.

18-01-16, 01:39
Absolutely. I have some faint stretch marks on my breasts from having lost/gained weight over the years.

Yea, I do as well but this particular stretch mark dents in slightly when I lift up my arm. Its on the bottom of my left breast.

18-01-16, 01:49
From your description, I do have something similar on my right breast (I think). Easier said than done but try not to worry too much between now and your appointment - I'm sure you will be fine.

18-01-16, 02:03
From your description, I do have something similar on my right breast (I think). Easier said than done but try not to worry too much between now and your appointment - I'm sure you will be fine.

Thank you so much! Yea, from what I can tell its a smallish stretch mark and when I lift up my left arm it dents in slightly.