View Full Version : blood in urine!! HELP!!

14-01-16, 13:41
Hello Everyone!

I went to the Urgent Care last night because I was having some mild abdominal cramping and other female problems. The nurse took a urine sample from me and they found a small trace of microscopic blood. I am panicking!!! I have never ever worried about my urine or kidneys but after last night, I am so scared I have cried myself to sleep. I looked at my urine this morning and it was very dark. I googled (I now, not smart) and I have convinced myself I have kidney cancer or pancreatic cancer which are both aggressive! I need reassurance.. I am so scared and anxious I can barely function! :doh:

14-01-16, 13:45
Luckyme, don't panic! I had this and it's fine....had antibiotics but when they sent the sample off again to see what infection it was, no infection was found so that frightened me even more but it's supposedly very common and some people will always have minute traces of blood in their urine all the time. Find some old threads on it and it will re-assure you as to how many people have had it.

14-01-16, 13:55
Thank you for your speedy reply! i forgot to add, They didn't see any infection when they did the urine test which is why they sent it to a lab. I'm hoping everything turns out normal but its hard, as a hypochondriac to think anything but the worst.