View Full Version : Dizziness again...

14-01-16, 14:12
I've complied about dizziness several times but this time it seems to be worse than usual. I have this pressure in my temples and hot eyes, I feel fatigued almost all the time, even after 8 hours of sleep I'm still yawning and feel tired, it's very hard to concentrate and I feel like there's something seriously wrong with me and im trying not to self-diagnose. :weep: Anyone else experiencing this recently? I was out earlier today and i had a dizzy spell and it made me have to stop walking and steady myself. I'm seeing a doctor tomorrow, but i've been to them before about dizziness and had no luck.

14-01-16, 15:49
Do you have any symptoms other than dizziness?

It is awful, I agree.

I've had it on and off for 3 years. I've learned to accept it. But, it does have periods of vanishing for months on end.....which is great.

Lot's of normal and non-dangerous things cause it. Do not google.

Speak to the GP and tell them you are getting anxious about it.

Good luck.

14-01-16, 16:20
Do you have any symptoms other than dizziness?
It is awful, I agree.
I've had it on and off for 3 years. I've learned to accept it. But, it does have periods of vanishing for months on end.....which is great.
Lot's of normal and non-dangerous things cause it. Do not google.
Speak to the GP and tell them you are getting anxious about it.
Good luck.

Burning eyes, tiredness, when wake up in the morning I feel fine for about 5 minutes but then im straight back to feeling terrible :shrug:

Yeah i've had this on and off for 2 years now, but it seems like im suffering dizziness more than usually lately.

I'm temped to try anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication, because im honestly at my limit with it all

14-01-16, 16:36
Me! See my post on symptoms. I saw my gp twice last month and he did a few checks and bloods. Said no reason to be concerned.

14-01-16, 17:31
Me! See my post on symptoms. I saw my gp twice last month and he did a few checks and bloods. Said no reason to be concerned.

I've had bloods done 4 times in the past 2 years, nothing wrong with me under medical examination yet im still experiencing these symptoms, why? I've started to really get really confused because i'm not a typical worrier and I feel like the only reason why im freaking out is because im getting the symptoms, it doesn't feel vise versa, but it's so hard to tell anymore :huh:

dizzy daisy
15-01-16, 11:15
Yep me too. Exactly the same. So frustrating, it's so debilitating. I too have had bloods and nothing unusual to report there. Like you I struggle to accept its anxiety as sometimes it feels like it's the symptoms causing the anxiety not the other way about. Xx