View Full Version : Scared of symptoms

14-01-16, 18:18
I'm so scared of ovarian cancer or something really wrong. I've been off the pill for a month and half and haven't gotten my period. I was constipated and now it kinda soft( sorry) my lower back hurts, I'm crampy on my lower abdomen. I feel like I could go to sleep. also I have been peeing a lot more often. And I always feel like I need to go. I'm 30 and a not over weight. I'm scared because I know back pain, changes in bowels, fatigue, and changes in your period are all signs of ovarian cancer. I'm not bloated. Someone help! Im such a mess right now.

14-01-16, 22:58
A few months back I was terrified of having the same thing! My fear was fueled by online new article of young girls getting it (I'm 21) and their symptoms were bloat (like it looked like you were pregnant) and feeling fatigued and couldn't do normal activities. But after reading about it I stated to freak out and think I had it. I stated to imagine symptoms I'm sure. The only thing I kept doing that worried me was frequent urination. I finally went to a woman's hospital and basically cried saying I'm worried about OC . They took a urine test and felt my abdomen and things like that. She said I'm not showing any symptoms to her that would worry her about ovarian cancer. She even said they worry more about cervical cancer than ovarian because it is rare. She said my urination could be caused by anything and my tests came back clear of infection or anything. Then she said something about diabetes and I started to fear that after that trip to the doc. And here I am monthes later and I don't really worry about OC like I did and I don't have that pee problem anymore. Mostly because I found other things to worry myself about.
But you said you just got off birth control, and that can take a few monthes for your body to get use to and regulate itself again. I know it's not uncommon to not have your period until your body gets use to being off the pill. Your hormones are probably all crazy right now. Anxiety isn't helping that either. I would say go to your gyno with your fears and I'm sure they will chalk it up to going off the pill! Just think about it being from your pill and not About OC. Relax and see the gyno to calm your fears. Your body is definitely going through some change from being off the pill.. Just think how you've been taking something that messes with your hormones to begin with and now your off it and your hormones are now having to adjust again. The body is sensitive to any medication. Deep breathing and calm your nerves. Wishing you well :hugs:

14-01-16, 23:07
Agreed with Savvy_Darling, it takes a little bit for your body to go back to normal after birth control. If you continue to not get your period or its irregular I would definitely make an appointment with your gyno just to figure out what's going on, but I think all your symptoms are caused by going off the BC.

15-01-16, 00:22
Would detoxing from the pill change bowel movements? My lower abdomen feels pretty heavy but it's not really bloated. It just feels like it is of that make sense.