View Full Version : hi

24-02-07, 22:30
hi,this is belly here,it has amused me to what you think of me,as ive read under the thread 'belly' the other day.I have sought advise about the bullying ive received on this site from a dr friend of mine,and have thought about contacting the media regarding how this site is run and how i was treated,as i dont think it should be allowed to continue.BULLYING IS WRONG AND MUST STOP!!! it it NEVER acceptable towards anybody,especialy when it is directed towards someone that people judge and didnt take the time to understand.So if i were you,i would leave this site,before it happens to you too.

25-02-07, 08:10
HI - Im confused by your message. I have used the site on and off for a year and love all the hard work and support you get here. Nicola is an amazing woman to have thought up this site and all her background network of support is wonderful. Thankyou Nic ! X

25-02-07, 09:54
Just one question for you Belly.

If this site is so terrible, why do you persist in coming back?


Please please ask your 'Dr Friend' to visit the site, and see what really goes on. I'm sure he/she will realise very quickly that your negative judgements of NMP are very wrong.

I genuinly hope you get help and support elsewhere..... however, please do not cause the grief you have here!

It takes all sorts to make the world go round..... I'm just pleased that people like yourself are very few and far between. I make no apologies for my opinion towards you.

25-02-07, 12:11
Here here !! Ross in Bristol !! THis site is great and it doesnt need to be rubbished by rude people!!!Wenjoy

25-02-07, 14:39
Can I just add that Belly hates this site so much she has registered no more than 5 times to get back on.

Does that sound like someone that hates it here so much?

25-02-07, 15:37
hi,this is belly here,it has amused me to what you think of me,as ive read under the thread 'belly' the other day.I have sought advise about the bullying ive received on this site from a dr friend of mine,and have thought about contacting the media regarding how this site is run and how i was treated,as i dont think it should be allowed to continue.BULLYING IS WRONG AND MUST STOP!!! it it NEVER acceptable towards anybody,especialy when it is directed towards someone that people judge and didnt take the time to understand.So if i were you,i would leave this site,before it happens to you too.

Hi Belly

1) Please DO go to the media. NMP will fully support you and provide any of the chatlogs that are relevant.

2) If you dont like the site so much then just STAY OFF IT.

3) As for Bullying - Thats a joke. Every single case that I have investigated has been started by YOU causing trouble.

P.S Your keyboard has a <Enter> key on it. Hit it every now and then and your posts would be far easier to read ;)



Granny Primark
25-02-07, 20:25
I only have good things to say about the site.
Help, advice and support are here in abundance. Whether you choose to take it is up to you.
Leave the site if your not happy with it and its members, but do not slag off this site, the service it provides and its many caring members.

Take care

25-02-07, 21:00
I feel a bit like I'm propagating this thread by posting on this, but feel I have to, speaking with some experience.

I have no idea what happened in the past here, but it really doesn't matter or do anyone any good debating this. I administrate a forum elsewhere and I've had exactly the same situations occur before with some users.

Everyone’s personality is different and it's inevitable with so many people using this site that some people won't get on and will fall out sometimes... For whatever reason.

You seem to be very angry Belly, and I’m sure no one truly wants you to feel like that and I'm sorry that you do. I hope you can forgive people for whatever you think they have done. The best way forward is for everyone to forgive and forget and move on from this.

For me, the people on this site are some of the kindest and most loving people… to complete strangers, I’ve ever met, and I can only offer massive praise to the people who are here. Don't let these sort of things get you down or make you angry, its only a forum on a website after all.



26-02-07, 00:10
Thanks Jim

The problem with this user is that she won't move on and forgive and forget and we have chat logs to prove how disruptive she is.

I hope she can find help elsewhere cos we cannot help her here with her current attitude.

26-02-07, 07:51
This place is fantastic! I couldnt say a bad word about it and Ive been a member for a long time now (years) . If you have had a bad time on here it seems strange that you choose to let everyone know what your next actions will be, isnt that encouraging trouble ? There are lots of lovely people on here so encouraging people to leave this site isnt very wise because it supports so many people, taking the strain off the NHS I would imagine ?

I hope you get it all sorted out soon.