View Full Version : Smoking

15-01-16, 18:09
Hi everyone for the past 30 mins I have been worrying about being addicted to those stupid e cigarette things.

This morning I tried one of my friends e-cigs, just for curiosity and about 30 mins ago I asked again just for fun and he replied with "no you might get addicted lol" and now I'm questioning myself about being addicted.

Can someone please reassure me that I'm being silly and this is just anxiety distorting my thoughts :(

15-01-16, 18:25
The odds are you are being very silly :P It's just anxiety getting the better of you.

No word of a lie, the exact same thing has happened to me about a couple of years ago. I've never smoked in my life but my friend was like aw, try this ecig I got, so I did, and it was funny, then same as you, later on I wanted to try again and then my anxiety the next day was like omg Emily, you're going to get addicted.. after a day or so I forgot about it and never thought about it since :)

Honestly, you'll be totally fine! :)

15-01-16, 18:30
Thank you so much! I was really hoping someone wouldn't comment like "yeah I tried one and I have been hooked since".

I've never liked smoking either if that's a disclaimer :D

15-01-16, 18:32
It's just your anxiety

15-01-16, 18:37
Thank you so much! I was really hoping someone wouldn't comment like "yeah I tried one and I have been hooked since".

I've never liked smoking either if that's a disclaimer :D

You're very welcome! Glad I could help! ahaha but yeah, same here, it's gross :P

15-01-16, 18:45
Idk, e-cigs contain only nicotine which is probably stimulating, Whole Tobacco Alkaloids contain the other alkaloids like Anabasine, Anatabine, nornicotine, cotinine, and myosmine. This concoction should stay in the serum longer and cause a calming, less addictive effect, I've heard of people smoking 4x the amount of nicotine than the equivalent amount they used to smoke with analogs, this is because nicotine is not near as important as the other alkaloids even though the other alkaloids only comprise about 5% of the total alkaloid content.

I've always loved the smell of burning tobacco, I guess because I wasn't exposed to too much anti tobacco propaganda as a child. I wish the whole tobacco fiasco never started, it created the opportunity for big tobacco companies to ACTUALLY make tobacco a harmful product. Just look at Japan and other countries who smoke more than we do, the association between smoking and disease disappears, there is clearly something wrong with America and the United kingdom's tobacco. Probably fluoridation of water, I recall a localized report of steel mill workers and people who lived downwind of steel mills having lung cancer rates far, far higher than smokers and non smokers alike. Steel mills create lots of toxic aromatic byproducts like fluoride. This was in the 80's though so I bet steel mills changed some stuff around so they don't produce toxic fluoride products into the air anymore, I hope. I bet if you were to hold tea leaves in your mouth just like some varieties of snus or chewing tobacco, you would develop mouth cancer (at the same right as tobacco chewers, which is not very much) and no "known carcinogens" would be involved, because tea is another fluoride accumulating plant. Japan's soil is notoriously free of fluoride.

15-01-16, 18:51
Pretty sure I will get over this tomorrow as I'm not alone with this, cheers for your view though I appreciate it.