View Full Version : Localized head pain when I walk or jump...Afraid of aneurysm (again)

15-01-16, 18:25
For a few months now I've been noticing that when I'm walking more quickly, or when I jump or move my body really quick, I feel a localized head pain, always in the same spot...today it happened many times, so, naturally, I'm freaking out again thinking it's a brain aneurysm. This is probably my biggest fear and I don't even know why... And the worst thing is that I can't do an MRI right now (and for the next months) because I use braces, and, from what I know, a CT Scan can't detect an aneurysm, especially if it's small. When my sister was a kid, she had one, that dissapeared, and I think it appeared because she suffered a concussion, but I'm not sure...maybe it's genetic?
The thing that makes me so sure it is an aneurysm is because it always happens in the exact same spot, right above my left ear, and it's a squeezing pain...sometimes it also happens randomly and I even have to close my eyes because it's so strong. It only lasts a few seconds.
From what I know, I don't have any cardiac or vascular disorder...but I do take birth control, and I've been on it for 7/8 years. This last summer I noticed that I have some burst blood vessels and varicose veins on my legs, and I know that birth control rises the risk of having blood clots...
Anyway, I just wanted to vent and to know if, eventually, anyone else ever felt this type of pain and if it was diagnosed... Thank you