View Full Version : HEADACHES!? Is thus just my anxiety?

16-01-16, 07:16
I have a very open cavity on the top side of the left side of my mouth and it hurts. My top front teeth hurt. The back of my head hurts. Both my temples hurt. And like. My cheek bones hurt. Like not cheek bones. But literally those two spots right next to my nostrils hurt. Like imagine pikachus electric patches closing in on His nose. Like that. But yah what is this? I had diarrhea twice. Minor nausea. My nose was a little bit runny with watery mucus. Excessive yawning. And no vomiting. This happened around 11,PM up t'll now. I took a pain powder and I guess the effects are taking place Idk. I mainly sleep with my pillow on a verticle stance against the wall like that. Could that be it? It's so annoying. And sometimes. By eye would just get a quick pain. Like now. Quick eye pain and then boosh. Gone. What is this omggg. If the pain killers worked and made it go away a little does that mean it isn't serious? Also j just got this weird small flash tbingy from my right eye from the corner and in really scared....

dizzy daisy
16-01-16, 11:27
Could be a number of things, sinusitis, inflammation or infection did to your cavity or yes, you can get headaches, tension spots, pangs of pain due to tension too.
Let a dr check you out to rule out any infections etc xxxx