View Full Version : Heart twinges

16-01-16, 09:54
Since about the middle of last year, I have been getting a sort of slight twinge in my chest where my heart is. At first I thought it was just indigestion and after a while it stopped.
Then a few months ago it started again. I ignored it for a while but then at Christmas I decided to go to the doctor to get it checked out. The doctor checked my heart with a stethoscope and said there was nothing wrong with it. The doctor also told me to have my cholesterol checked but since she had told me that my heart was ok I decided not to go. After seeing the doctor the feeling stopped again.
Yesterday evening it started again. I have now decided to make an appointment to get my cholesterol checked next week. I don't smoke, I am not overweight and I am quite active.

Has anyone else had an experience like this? and is it anything to worry about?

16-01-16, 18:58
Hi I have this concern my heart flutters I get a head rush. I've never had cholesterol checked . That would worry me if it's high am I more likely to have a heart attack ? Then I'd be scared I was going to have one